Essay, Research Paper: Abortion


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A woman’s right or murder? The topic I chose was abortion ~ a woman’s right
or murder? I set out to interview a various range of citizens and professionals
about this topic and to listen to their views. Abortion is a very personal and
controversial topic especially in todays society. I did not expect to get an
accurate answer to my topic, but rather two or even more very different sides to
this study. I do not have a particular view on this issue, so I did aim to see
if my mind could be made clearer from my interviews. I was expecting the
communication to be very formal and hard to find people who knew exactly what
their views are and able to comment on them easily. I did a lot of research
regarding my topic before I set out to interview people and I learnt a lot more
about abortion because of this. I discovered that there is a lot of risk before
and after abortion. There could be infections, retained products of
contraception, continued pregnancy, cervical or uterine trauma and bleeding,
which are all short term post - abortion complications. The procedure also puts
a lot of emotional and mental stress and trauma on the mother which is something
she has to live with for the rest of her life. This occurs in 90% of all
abortion cases. The woman is harmed after the abortion because it increases her
chance of miscarriage and breast cancer, and may cause her to have painful
menstrual cycles for the rest of her life. 25% of abortion cases report serious
medical problems after their abortion and over 75% lose the relationship they
were trying to save. From the interviews I got a different perspective on a
woman’s right and that was that the unborn child is fully alive just not yet
‘birthed’ ad God has a unique plan for that unique life that can not be
filled by another. The law which was passed in 1972 to make abortion legal, was
based upon perjury and the gaining of a ‘legal’ right that did not exist
before and was due to the bending of the constitution and legal system. The
justices made their decision because the pre-abortion crowd used false
statistics, faked crisis situations and scenarios that never existed, rather
than the fact of the law. I asked interviewees if they knew and if they could
describe what happens in an abortion and I got a very detailed answer from Ken
at hopenet. He showed me that there was a way which involves making a woman go
through the complete labour delivery, after the baby is fully formed and
growing, until the baby’s head is just about to crown. Then the doctor turns
the baby face down and uses a scissor like device to poke a hole through the
base of the skull and inserts a cannula to suck out the contents of the brain
which kills the baby. The main parts are distributed to the fetal industry who
pay a large sum of money for the brain cells, liver, pancreas and heart, etc.
Another form of abortion that I learnt about was just by using a strong suction
machine, to put through the cervix into the uterus and suck out the forming baby
from the placental sac. Then the sac is removed by scraping it from the uterus
wall. If the pregnancy is into the 7 - 10 week then the head, ribcage and bones
may be formed, so the cervix is opened wider through forced dilation and forceps
are used to grab the baby and dismember it limb by limb until only the torso and
head are left free floating. Then the head is crushed and the remaining contents
are scraped and sucked out. One other method I learnt about involved the woman
taking a drug to kill the baby in the womb and then taking Prostaglandin to
force an early delivery. After 2 or 3 days a dead baby is delivered. The process
of communication that I undertook involved a very confidential and formal
manner. This was because abortion is a very personal and controversial matter
and needs to not be taken lightly. Some people have very strong opinions about
abortion and do not want the issue to be mocked or made less important in our
society. It was very hard to talk to some people regarding this topic, who could
have benefitted my research, like a doctor, because they did not want their name
to be associated with this issue. I tried to overcome this problem as best as I
could so I could analyse and evaluate this issue and to try and understand and
conclude my individual opinion. As an interviewer I had to maintain formality
when speaking to the people I interviewed so they knew I felt serious about the
subject I chose and knew I was interested in their answer and the opinion they
could give to me. When interviewing people in my age group, the interviews took
on a more informal manner that made it easier to communicate. I learnt a lot
more about abortion by studying and analysing this issue. A lot more information
was brought to my attention, like the risk involved and the aftermath of
abortion. My purpose that I set out to achieve was not completely fulfilled
because I was hoping I could gain a particular view through my study, but my
opinion is still undecided. I am satisfied with the outcome because I feel that
I understand more fully about both sides of this everlasting argument and I am
more aware of the risk physically and emotionally, before and after. I think
abortion is a very important issue to our society and people need to know if
they support it or oppose it.
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