Essay, Research Paper: 12 Angry Men


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Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen for all your time and service. I believe my
client is innocent of these charges and you must keep in mind that if you have a
reasonable doubt in your mind that this boy is innocent then u must vote not
guilty and save his life. Keep in mind if you are doubtful and you vote
“guilty” this boy’s life will be taken away from him and you will always
wonder. Ladies and gentlemen how can you be so sure this kid is a killer? The
eyewitness couldn’t have seen the murderer perfectly. Think about it; she
didn’t have her glasses on and it was through the windows of a passing
El-train. How could she have been so sure it was the boy under those conditions?
She could’ve seen anybody and just fit the boy into the picture. No evidence
was so clear that there cant b a reasonable doubt in your mind. Ladies and
Gentlemen shall we go over each piece of evidence. Lets exam the knife and the
stabbing. It was said before the knife is unique, meaning its one of a kind, but
down the block at a local store u can buy the same knife. It is the same exact
knife as the one the boy owns, which means the store owner was wrong when he
pointed out there was only one of its kind. Now, lets talk about how the father
died. The knife was left in him in a downward position. This explains two ways
it couldn’t have been my client. One way is the father is taller then his son,
how would my client stab the father in a downward position if he was shorter
then him. It would’ve been in a upward due to the position of the knife, my
client would’ve had to reach all the way up in the air and he still wouldn’t
have a chance to stab downward on such the angle it was. Another way it proves
it was not my client was because my client is an experienced knife fighter,
unfortunately. An experienced knife fighter holds a switchblade with a upward
position and if the knife was left in the father with a downward position then
it was obviously by an inexperienced knife fighter and as you all know he has
his share of knife fights. With all the event’s my client has gone through he
has only learned from, therefore we come to the conclusion that he is street
smart. If my client is street smart then why would he yell I’m going to kill
you and then stab him in a downward position. Another way I can prove the killer
was no street smart was because why would a person who is street smart yell
”I’m going to kill you” and then whip the fingerprints off the knife. The
killer couldn’t have been street smart if he would do something like that.
Ladies and Gentlemen it doesn’t make sense; my client does not fit into the
mold the prosecution has made. Now there were other witnesses that work at the
Movie Theater where my client was on the night of the murder. There are a lot of
faces at a Movie Theater, would you remember one face after seeing hundreds of
different faces all day? My client could’ve sneaked into the movies and been
too embarrassed to say it. He also doesn’t remember the movie he saw but you
must remember he just got into a huge fight with his dad; his mind probably was
not on the movie at the time. He could’ve been so distracted with the argument
that he didn’t bother paying attention to little things like the title of the
movie. Also, it was a late night so he might’ve just went to the movies to get
away from his father and end up falling asleep in the Movie Theater for a while
and not remember the movie. There are many possibilities, which should leave
reasonable doubt in your mind that means you must vote not guilty Ok lets go
over the old man that claims he heard my client yell and claimed he saw my
client run out of the apartment. People this man heard my client yell, “I’m
going to kill you” with an El-train passing by his window? When a El-train is
passing you can’t even hear yourself think, there is no way this man heard my
client clearly say “I’m going to kill you”, and distinguish it was
definitely my client. Ladies and Gentlemen if he did hear a voice it would sound
like a muffle and he would not know it was my client who said it. If this
doesn’t leave reasonable doubt in your mind then I don’t know what will.
Ladies and Gentlemen, there is no way you can possibly have no reasonable doubt
in your mind. Do you honestly think that all of these pieces of evidence is that
strong enough to leave no reasonable doubt in your mind? Keep in mind if you
vote guilty you are taking this young boy’s life away from him, and if u vote
guilty with reasonable doubt in your mind then you should be on trial for
murder. Thank your for your time.
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