Essay, Research Paper: Macroeconomics


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those who live in the United States are accustomed to private property. Everyday
situation sometimes lead to what life would be like without it. One can see what
the effects are to living in a private society and realize how efficiency and
justice are raised to an overall level. This takes place within an apartment
building in Washington DC, however many apartments throughout the United States
would off the same aspects. Upon living in the apartments, tenants are charged a
monthly rent as well as an additional bill for utilities, which includes gas,
water, fuel, oil, and electricity. The apartments are considered "master
metered", which means those living in the apartments are allowed to use as
much electricity, water and gas as they want. At the end of the month the
utilities are added up and divided amongst the number of tenants and then billed
appropriately. However, the idea of "master metered" brings up the
problem of some getting a free ride off those who conserve. For example, take
two people who live in the same apartment complex. One of the tenants is very
aware of conserving energy. She always turns off the lights when she's out of
the room, turns the air up a little in the summer and the heat down in the
winter. She basically lives her life being a little uncomfortable for the sake
of saving everyone in her building a little money. On the other hand, her
neighbor does just the opposite. He never turns out the lights, keeps his
apartment ice cold in the summer and nice and toasty in the winter. He even
decides against turning his air off when leaves for the weekend, figuring he'll
come home to a hot apartment. He feels he is just paying an average of
everyone's consumption so why should he not be comfortable? So between the
neighbors, the bill at the end of the month remains the same because one gives a
little while the other takes. Unfortunately those living in an apartment will
never compromise on the use of utilities. However, if the tenants don't abuse
their use of the utilities and use only what they need to stay comfortable, the
monthly bill will average out to be an acceptable amount. It is un-excusable for
someone to leave their lights on all day while they are away at work. At the
same time it is just as bad for someone to be cold in their apartment in the
wintertime because they are trying to keep the bill down for everyone. Federal
spending is managed in the same "master meter" manner. This occurs
because the taxpayers are charged the same rate for projects weather they are
financed in their area or not. This allows legislature to act just like greedy
tenants in an apartment. They take and take from the money source as fast as
possible without recognition of the taxpayers money. Just as stated before, it
is important to maintain a balance to keep everyone happy. It is necessary for
everyone living in a private society to not only think of themselves but also be
aware of how their actions affect others. If everyone keeps taking while others
continue to give, sooner or later the givers will give up and the free riders
will be stuck without any help from anyone.

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