Essay, Research Paper: Price Of Life


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article on ‘How much for a Life’ looks at the ethical view of an individual
life in an economic way. To say that every person on this planet is worth the
same amount, give or take a few million, is putting all individuals on an equal
plain. One would argue that a professional doctor, who is in the business of
saving peoples lives, is much more important the individual who is unemployed
and only watches television all day. Another would argue that someone like
Mother Theresa is far more important and valuable than The President of the
United States. When you look at these two arguments, who you view to be more
important and valuable depends upon what end of the scale you are living. If I
were another unemployed person who stays home and watches television all day, I
would argue that I am worth just as much as any doctor in the country. I take
this view because I come from the same environment stated in the argument above.
In the second argument, if I were not a religious man, I would probably think
that the president of the United States if far more important and valuable than
Mother Theresa. What I am trying to say is that you cannot possibly put a value
on any one persons life. We all come from different parts of the world and are
raised in different types of environments. To say that the value of an
individual life increases with the contributions that person makes to the world
is not even a fair statement. The person who is unemployed and only watches
television all day might have five or more children that needs their attention.
The person also may be staying home due to the ever increasing cost of childcare
and it does not make sense for them to work. The professional doctor may be a
single person with no responsibilities other than his or her work. Does this
increase or decrease the value of his or her life? I do not believe this to be
true. When you look at our society as a whole, life is definitely not considered
priceless. Through out history there are many examples in which life is an
expendable commodity. Looking at some of the major wars that we have seen in the
past is a great example of the decreased value put on life. Many high political
leaders sent our military into other countries to fight wars that we did not
belong in or that were for pieces of land and resources. Placing the life of an
American soldier lower than the land or resource the politicians wanted, shows
how life is not valued at all. With the ever increasing demand for rights to
lands and resources, there is and ever decreasing supply of life to fight with.
Other examples of how we devalue life can be seen on television and even in our
local towns. Many people are living on our streets, freezing, starving, and even
dying. If we placed a high value on life, we would create the necessary shelters
for these helpless people. This is something that we are lacking in through out
our whole society. People do not care. Does this show much for life? No it does
not. In the end, I do not believe that we can ethically and economically put a
value on life. The ever-increasing demand for safer products is something that
we need to get accomplished and if it means that we need to take away from one
resource to increase it, then so be it. This needs to be accomplished even if it
means a higher cost. By increasing our commitment to safety we are increasing
our commitment to placing a higher value on life in general. This is an area
that we can at least show some type of commitment to people and the value of
their lives. Economically, the price of life is immeasurable, inconsistent, and
morally iniquitous.

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