Essay, Research Paper: Production Distribution Factors


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There are several factors that influence the growth and distribution of a
particular regions primary industries. These primary industries, are necessary
for an economy to grow. Without a primary industry, which could also be called
natural resources, secondary, tertiary and quaternary industries would struggle
in a country (excluding Japan etc.). These factors also affect where people
live. If you were at a warm place, near the coast, it is a lot more populated,
than interior America. This population, affects your labor and markets. With a
good geography, cash crops may be able to grow in the region developing a farm
industry. There are several factors that affect a region’s natural resources.
These factors are landscape features, temperature and precipitation. Landscape
features affect the economy. Some landscape features that range all over the
United States are tundra and mountains. If you were describe the Arctic Coastal
Plain, you would have to mention the permafrost. In the Pacific ranges and
coastal lowlands, the soil is rich and fertile. The soil in a region determine
if you’re able to grow cash crops or nothing. The temperature of a region
affects the economy. In a place that is warm and humid, certain crops, will be
able to grow in that region. The temperature can also affect the settlement
patterns of people. Larger populations tend to settle in a place with a high
temperature. To get an precise picture of an area’s climate, two temperatures
are required. These are the average temperatures of the months January and July.
There are three factors that affect the this result. The closer you are to the
equator, usually the warmer it is. This is because the sun rays are more
concentrated and direct the closer you are to the equator. The more direct the
sun’s rays are, the greater heating ability. During the winter, oceans
maintain much more heat than land, and release this heat slowly. Land near an
ocean, is warmer than land not near an ocean because the ocean retains the heat.
When the sun shines, the heat bounces off, but can’t reach the atmosphere. The
heat in the air comes from the warm surface, so air closer to the ground is
usually warmer. As altitude increases, air temperature decreases. This decline
in air temperature is known as the lapse rate. Precipitation can also affect the
economy. In a place that is humid, certain crops, will be able to grow in that
region. The precipitation can also affect the settlement patterns of people.
Larger populations tend to settle in a place with a high precipitation.
Precipitation is all forms of moisture falling on the ground. Vegetation is the
type grasses, trees, shrubs that grow in a region. The vegetation in a region
depends upon the rainfall, temperature, and the physical relief of the
landscape. It is a representation of all the other factors of the physical
geography of an area. The vegetation can develop a lumber industry. If lumber is
plentiful and is in demand in that region, than surely and lumber industry will
develop. The vegetation growing in a region can also reflect the farming
potential of that region. If the vegetation is very tropical, than that shows
that the region is a good place to farm. Landscape features, temperature,
precipitation and vegetation influence the growth and distribution of a
particular regions primary industries. These primary industries, are necessary
for an economy to grow. Soil, and the type of land affect what type of crops are
able to grow in that region. Temperature and precipitation, both affect the
primary industries and economy. In a place that is warm and humid, certain
crops, will be able to grow in that region. The temperature and precipitation
can also affect the settlement patterns of people. Larger populations tend to
settle in a place with a high temperature and precipitation. Vegetation is a
representation of all the other factors of the physical geography of an area.
Vegetation can affect the lumber and agriculture industry. All these four
factors have one thing in common. All these factors, landscape features,
temperature, precipitation and vegetation affect the primary industries (natural
resources) and the economy.

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