Essay, Research Paper: College Education


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My Desires to go to college and to get a Degree began many years ago when I was
in the fifth grade and my teacher kept telling me that I would need a college
education if I wanted to be successful in this lifetime. I want to make a
commitment to college because I want to succeed in the business world, have a
successful job and I want to set a good example for me brothers and sisters I
first want to first make a commitment to Florida Agricultural and Mechanical
University because I want to learn more about the business world and a clear
understanding of the whole stock market. In addition, I wanted to learn the
different ways that different businesses can operate, with different countries
around the world. Handling all kinds of business transactions, sending this and
that to here and there at a certain time, and what the CEO of the business had
to go through with, and all of the effort that it took for them to finally began
their own business. I also feel that what I have learned here in the Coral Reef
Senior High Business and Finance Academy, has encouraged me to continue to learn
more about businesses throughout the world and that it will put me ahead of some
things that most students have not learned, even thought I have a lot to find
out. I also want to go to college because I think that it would help me pursue a
very successful job after I am finish with my college education. I have learned
by observing others that the people who are making the money in this world today
started their education in the many colleges around the world. In addition, I
have learned that when you have different degrees from college, that it looks
good on your resume when you go to job interviews. Moreover, when you want to
work for someone’s business they are looking to hire someone who they feel has
the knowledge of a college education because they feel that they would know a
lot more about the business world. Because all businesses have to compete, and
they are not going to hire no dummy to mess up their opportunities of making
money. Therefore, the person who only has a high school education cannot
contribute that of a person who is a college graduate. To go to college and
graduate has been a goal for me because of one thing, the example that was set
by sister, and my cousin who recently graduated from college. The same example
that they set for is the same one that I want to set for my little sister and
brothers. To always do your best and to strive of nothing but the best. As a
freshman in high school, I would always sit back and watch as my sister tried
her hardest to do her best in school. To actually put time in her work, and to
accomplish her goals so that she could go to college and get her degree. Now as
the years past and time change I see that I have to follow that path and set the
same example for my little brothers and sisters so that they to can have the
same success that she has, that I have, and hopefully they will have.

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