Essay, Research Paper: People With Disabilities


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As we approach the 21st century, there are noticeable advancements in technology
that is making communication much easier for the people of the world. The people
who are now achieving more due to this technology are those with disabilities.
The new wave of electronics is coming in the form of assistive technology.
Assistive technology is a device or process that helps a person with a
disability to do something that could otherwise be difficult or impossible to
accomplish. By implementing appliances into people's lives who are unable to
communicate without aid, a new door is being opened for the disabled. With the
use of alternate access aids, hearing aids, and alternative communication
devices, just to name a few, a newfound dignity is being realized by people who
otherwise would not be able to communicate on a regular basis. In this essay, I
will address new technologies for people who are disadvantaged in the
communication field and how these devices are adding not only to their lives,
but to the communication process as a whole. The more quickly the world can
become compatible for people who are incapable of customary communication, the
more quickly the walls that stand in the way of communication will be scaled.
Once this is achieved, it will pave the way for a world where communication is
available to all people and no longer will being disabled put you at a
disability. Technology has taken a giant leap in the right direction with the
invention of new devices that can be used to help people who are disabled to be
able to communicate more effectively. Inventions such as the
"Liberator", hearing aids, augmentative and alternative access aids,
and so on, have made great improvements to the amount of communication that
people with disabilities can become involved in. These assistive technologies
are, in some cases, the only means of communication a disabled person has. A new
device that I feel is notable and very beneficial to disadvantaged people is
that of the Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA). This aid produces synthesized
speech that can be readily understood by the general public and therefore
improving interactions with speaking individuals. In one study, it was noted
that the VOCA improved communication in a person who has profound mental
retardation from 21% to 86%. A follow up of the patient after a month of using
the VOCA produced that she used her VOCA for 75% of her communicative behavior.
(Schepis & Reid, 1995, p.75.) Another device that has been used is one that
has the similar use of a telephone. These "future telephones" or
information appliances "accommodate the choice of either visual mode
(typing) or auditory mode (speaking), thus direct communication can be achieved
and communicating parties no longer are handicapped by single-modality services
that are not compatible." (Brummel, 1994) These phones help people who have
never before had the chance to use a telephone or who have never been able
address another person in a regular fashion. Another method that is soon
anticipated is a visual communication appliance. This satisfies a range of needs
from sign language transmission to handwritten note sharing as an alternative to
auditory mode for conversations. (Brummel, 1994) As these technologies keep
becoming mainstream, it seems possible that all people who have trouble with
communication otherwise will soon have an outlet that allows them the pleasure
of not being singled out due to their lack of skills when it comes to
communication. Past technologies are now very popular among the everyday person
as well as being for the disabled. For example, a hearing aid. These aids were,
from the beginning used to enhance the hearing of a person who is deaf. These
now are used for anyone who has any hearing problem, including the elderly as
they get older and their hearing becomes worse. Another such invention is that
of a wheelchair. A wheelchair makes it possible for people who cannot walk on
their own to get about allowing more interaction with others. These have become
two very widespread inventions. The most popular of all the technologies is
known as the Telecommunications Device (TDD). This carries conversation typed
into a keyboard over telephone lines and displays it on the receiving TDD. It
can also be used if the person is blind, as the letters on the keyboard have
brail and the computer can say the message out loud.(High Tech, 1989, p.50.)
This has made a very considerable impact on the deaf and blind community. They
no longer have to worry about how they will communicate with a person who is not
in the same room as themselves. Thus, the new technology that is coming into
effect prevents "hang-ups" on the phone, people laughing or staring,
and helps people to better understand the disabilities and then aids them in
trying to communicate with them. These technologies that are being introduced
into the world have a great influence on communication with the disabled. But
they also have more implications than in just communication. The inventions have
been helping people who are disabled to have a larger amount of self respect and
dignity. When these are achieved, communication will become more frequent with
people outside of their own families, creating a better life for the person with
a disability. As Ronald Stephens puts it, "once disabled people can work
with technology they gain an independence that considerably improves the quality
of their life." (1987, p.61) This independence can be very rewarding and
helps the person to become a more productive part of society. The reason for the
advancements in the technology is fairly simple and beneficial. It stresses that
it is to "affirm the belief that dignity and equality and independence of
people with disabilities is of utmost importance, and to educate people with
disabilities, rehab specialists, parents and others about technological
advancements that improves the lives of people with disabilities and to insure
access to the important technology." (Center on Disabilities, 1999) That is
to say that the dignity of these people is far more important than anything else
and that, with the aid of technology, it can be realized. Holding a job and
other things that are thought to be everyday to normal people can be very
rewarding to people with disabilities. This is being accomplished with the help
of technology. Many disability rights advocates "foresee significant
changes in the job market for people with disabilities, and a diverse more
efficient workforce accommodated by new telecommunication services and
products." (Flinn, 1999) With this new technology, deaf people can hold
jobs in telecommunications, telephone operators and various other jobs. When a
person has dignity and independence, there is a feeling of contentment. A person
who has no means of communication with other people is going to feel good about
themselves as a result of being able to use a device that will help them have
normal contact. Technology is not showing people what they cannot do, but it is
showing them what they can achieve with a little help. This is what is the most
important factor in the dawn of a technological revolution for those with
disabilities. In conclusion, I feel that it is very necessary for the
development of technology to continue ,and thus, increase the amount of dignity
and self-respect a disabled person feels. Technologies such as VOCA, TDD's,
brail computers, and so on have made the world a better place for people with
disabilities. The reason for the advancement in technology is to aid the ability
a person has. If a person's ability is assisted by technology, the person will
feel better about him or herself. If a person feels better about themselves,
they will be more productive in society. Also, not only does technology aid the
disabled in communication, but it aids people like us who want to be able to
communicate better with a person who has a disability. And so, it is the steps
forward in technological devices that is aiding disabled people to be able to
function in society as a normal, productive person.

List MLA Style Bowe, F,G. "Access to the Information Age: Fundamental
Decisions in Telecommunications Policy." Policy Studies Journal 21 (1993):
765-774. Brummel, Susan. People With Disabilities and NII. Yuri Rubinsky Insight
Foundation Webpage. 7 Sept 1994
. Center On Disabilities. "1999 ‘Technology and Persons With
Disabilities' Conference." 17 March 1999.
. Doss, S.L. and Reichie, J. "Using Graphic Organization Aids To Promote
Independent Functioning." Implementing Augmentative and Alternative
Communication. (1991): 275-288. Flinn, Nancy. UCPA Homepage. 5 Dec 1999.
Hendry, J. and Kerr, R. "Communication Through Physical Activity For
Learning Disabled Children." Perceptual and Motor Skills 56 (1983): 155-158
"High-Tech Aids Offer New Options to Deaf, Blind." Futurist 23 (1989):
50-51. Parette, H.P., Jr. "Assessing the Influence of Augmentative and
Alternative Communication Devices On Families of Young Children With
Disabilities." Perceptual and Motor Skills 78 (1994): 1362-62. Schepis, M.M.
and Reid, D.H. "Effects of A Voice Output Communication Aid On Interactions
Between Support Personnel And An Individual With Multiple Disablilities."
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 28 (1993): 765-774. I found this article to
one of the better ones for my project. It is done in the experiment form,
stating method, observations, and conclusions. It very clearly sided with my
argument and it also gave personal glimpses into some of the participants. The
thesis was included in the introductory paragraph and it also was very clear. I
will be using this article. Stephens, R. "A Voice for the Disabled."
New Scientist 114 (1987): 58-61. Thompson, Anne R. Mississippi State University.
"College Students With Disabilities And Assistive Technology.

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