Essay, Research Paper: Geographical Information System
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Geographical Information System originated in the 1960s. During the early days
of the technology the use was limited to a small group of practicioners. It is a
information technology which analizes, stores, and displays both spatial and
non-spatial data. It is used in many different specializations. It is also very
useful for engineers, which will be shown in this presentation. In environmental
engineering, GIS can be used for estimation of flooding risk and determining
water quality, among others. The ability to calculate flood risk is a very
important feature of GIS, largely responsible for the increase of its use. The
1990s have been affected by flooding around the world, especially in the United
States. The Mississippi river floods were a great disaster, and some of the
losses may have bee prevented had the areas at high risk not been urbanized.
Milwaukee was also hit by flooding a few years ago, causing much property loss
and distress. After these, and other unfortunate instances, GIS was essentially
rediscovered as a useful tool for the calculating flood risk. The ability to
calculate flood risk will help save future construction from destruction, and
will steer urbanization and development to areas where it will be safe.
of the technology the use was limited to a small group of practicioners. It is a
information technology which analizes, stores, and displays both spatial and
non-spatial data. It is used in many different specializations. It is also very
useful for engineers, which will be shown in this presentation. In environmental
engineering, GIS can be used for estimation of flooding risk and determining
water quality, among others. The ability to calculate flood risk is a very
important feature of GIS, largely responsible for the increase of its use. The
1990s have been affected by flooding around the world, especially in the United
States. The Mississippi river floods were a great disaster, and some of the
losses may have bee prevented had the areas at high risk not been urbanized.
Milwaukee was also hit by flooding a few years ago, causing much property loss
and distress. After these, and other unfortunate instances, GIS was essentially
rediscovered as a useful tool for the calculating flood risk. The ability to
calculate flood risk will help save future construction from destruction, and
will steer urbanization and development to areas where it will be safe.
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