Essay, Research Paper: Cause And Effects Of Speeding


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“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Everyone has
heard of this famous expression by Newton, plenty of times. It means if you do
something wrong, someone will pay the price. An everyday occurrence of this
expression happens when you speed. If you speed, and get caught, usually the
consequences are receiving a ticket. Because the law was broken, now it is going
to cost. The popular movie” Top Gun” coined a phrase, “I feel the need,
the need for speed.” Many drivers today would agree with that phrase. Speeding
is one of the most common ways that people break the law. When people break the
law there are many unpleasant consequences. A speeding ticket is an effective
form of discipline. The ticket that is received makes the unresponsible drives
pay for their action. If someone tends to speed a lot then there actions will
send them right to traffic school which will be paid for in there own expense.
Every time someone receives a speeding ticket their insurance provider is
notified and this will increase the drivers insurance because the speeding is a
traffic violation. Paying for a speeding ticket is an unpleasant experience. A
ticket can be outrageously expensive depending on how fast someone was going.
Some states charge ten to twelve dollars every mile over the speed limit. The
officer assigns you a day to appear in court, if you choose to fight the ticket
rather than pay the fine. Waiting in the courtroom to see the judge can be very
close to a death sentence. The wait is long, and the company can be frightening.
Once you plead your case, you generally end up paying the fine. In addition,
paying for the traffic school is also a not so pleasant experience. If you
waited to see the judge, you may be on your way after paying the fine. If the
judge is kind and offers a traffic school option, the unpleasantness continues.
Usually, the traffic school is no where near the courthouse, which causes you to
search to find it. The great experience of paying is close at hand after
locating the school. You must endure the nine-hour course after paying for the
privilege of attending. This is a class most people would have never taken if
given the chance. The unpleasantness associated with a speeding ticket is almost
finished when you have completed the course. A reoccurring reminder of a
previous mistake is evident in higher insurance rates. Most insurance companies
feel that speeding tickets make a person a higher risk. So, to offset the risk,
they raise the premium. Which means it is more expensive to obtain insurance. If
the insurance company decides to raise the rates by only ten dollars it can have
a lasting effect. The insurance company raises the rates with each ticket, until
they cancel the policy. This will teach everybody a lesson that loves to speed.
A speeding ticket is an effective form of discipline, with court, with traffic
school, and with higher insurance rates. The deterrents for speeding are not all
outwardly noticeable until you have been through the process. Once you have a
speeding ticket experience, you may be more careful to obey the law.
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