Essay, Research Paper: Gift Of Magi By Henry


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In the short story The Gift of the Magi, by O. Henry, the couple, Mr. and Mrs.
Dillingham Young sacrificed their most prized possessions for one another. They
did this in order to buy each other nice Christmas presents. Della№s most
prized possession was her beautiful hair that she cut off and sold for the
money. Jim№s was his gold watch which he also sold so that he could buy
Della a gift. Della and Jim both sold their favorite things to buy each other
something special. Della bought Jim a platinum chain for his watch. Jim bought
Della tortoise shell clips for her hair. Since both had given up their most
prized possessions for each other, the gifts were worthless, but very special in
their eyes. In this short story the author presents a wonderful example of a
true love story. It paints a picture of how true love should be and the
sacrifices required to have a relationship like these two people had. The author
O. Henry tells the story of this couple from a narrator№s perspective. The
narrator of the short story is the observer of the events that are occurring
between the couple. The author of this story chose to not reveal in words the
feelings between the couple. The words however, are spoken in the couples
actions. The love between them is shown by them giving up something they love to
be able to buy something special for their partner. To understand the true love
between the couple, the reader must look deeper then what is just on the
surface. Along with the narrator in the story explaining the love between them
it is also shown through the characters. The characters in this particular short
story are very realistic and many people can relate to them in some way or
another. For example, almost anyone can relate to them in the way that around
Christmas time people like to buy nice things for their loved ones. Both
characters in this short story were very loving and caring people. They showed
how caring they really were when they looked past their own wants and looked to
their partners. Along with the Christmas gift Della showed other characteristics
of being a very caring and loving person. Della worked very hard in making sure
that Jim had dinner ready for him when he came home. іAt 7 o№clock
the coffee was made and the frying -pan was on the back of the stove hot and
ready to cook the chopsІ (Henry). Jim on the other hand worked very hard
to try and provide for Della. The little things the two would do for each other
shows the enormous amount of love they have for each other inside. The
characters actions and the narrator narrating the story are two ways to show the
love between this couple. Another way is in the theme of the story and as to
what the author is trying to get across to the reader. The theme or main point
of the short story is presented through the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Dillingham
Young. Their lives are what makes the story and the theme come about. The theme
of the short story is love conquers all. Meaning that no matter what the
situation and what a couple goes through as long as the love is there, they can
make it through. When in a relationship there are many sacrifices that each
party involved must understand. This couple sacrificed their favorite things for
each other. Proving and showing one another their true feelings. In іThe
Gift of the MagiІ, by O. Henry the couple makes a major sacrifice for each
other. From these sacrifices the enormous amount of love is shown between them.
Even though the words, іI love you.І are not said it is shown in the
action of the two characters. The gifts they gave to each other were very wise
and thought out gifts. They were gifts from the heart, and those are the best
gifts a person can give.
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