Essay, Research Paper: Girls In Their Summer Dresses


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This story is one that I can certainly understand and have quite intense
feelings about. I must hold my tongue, though, as I do not wish to offend, but
to rather offer some insight to Michael’s side. Most importantly, Frances
should have never asked her husband about looking at girls. That is a loaded
question and one that will ALWAYS lead to an upset female, possibly with tears.
A similar question that warrants the same ending goes like this, “If you could
change one thing about me, what would it be?” Now, how can a guy answer that
without sounding like a total jerk? It is an impossible feat. The guy wants to
be nice and says “nothing.” Good answer? Wrong! The honest answer will make
the girl feel inadequate, ugly, fat, etc. It is a no-win situation for the male
victim. That is what happened to poor Michael. He could not deny that he looks
at other women, and for this he greatly upsets his wife. I have absolutely no
sympathy for Frances. She asked for the truth and she could not handle it. The
advice I offer is to deal with it. Michael loves his wife dearly, but he is
still a guy. He sees women everywhere and has normal thoughts about them.
However, that does not mean he doesn’t love his wife or that he thinks she is
not good enough for him any more, but that is the woman thought. That is the way
it is and it will never change. There are just biological differences between
men and women, and this is a big one.
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