Essay, Research Paper: Hobbit


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Don’t judge a book by its cover. This famous phrase can very well be applied
to the hobbit a small human like creature that goes along with 13 dwarves and a
wizard. The wizard, Gandalf, has total faith in the little hobbit knowing full
well that when the time comes he will serve the dwarves quite well. He does this
with the help of a ring that makes him invisible. He saves the dwarves from evil
spiders that wish to eat them. Uses it to help them escape the clutches of elves
that would keep them in their clutches for some time. And to find out the
weakness of an evil dragon bent on destroying all those opposing him. Our little
hobbit friend is quite an extraordinary little fellow compared to many who
probably would have run off the first chance they had, and he proves himself by
being brave. He doesn’t just think about saving his own hide, but all the
dwarves as well. Bilbo Baggins, that is the name of our hero, finds a ring on
the floor of a cave; little does he know that this will save he and his friends
many a time. Giant spiders capture him and his friends as they are passing
through the woods. He first kills the spider that is trying to eat him with his
sword. After which he puts on his ring of invisibility and taunts the spiders
into following him away from his friends. He then doubles back and cuts his
friends out of their respective webs. After that there is a long battle the
spiders venom had weakened the dwarves almost to a point that they couldn’t
stand. So Bilbo had to do most of the fighting. He saved his friends. They get
away and all live happily ever after… right? No there will be more danger this
is only the beginning. After all of Bilbo’s friends are saved elves capture
them. It is a good thing Bilbo has his ring on. He follows the elves and gets
into the place in which they are captured. He then hatches a plan to save them.
He has to steal a key when there is a large banquet happening so as most of the
elves are busy, then he must release his friends and stow them away in barrels
that are to be sent down the river having been used. Now this sounds like a
difficult task but not for our friend Bilbo who is very adept at getting out of
tight situations. He releases his friends much to all the elves dismay. Then
after all the trouble you would think the rest to be a walk in the park. It is
just not that easy. Now they must face a dragon, to claim the treasure they were
after from the beginning. Bilbo goes into the dragon’s cave silently and
invisibly but the dragon has an astute sense of smell! Bilbo has been caught.
However not completely caught because the dragon can still not see him. So Bilbo
talks the dragon into seeing his underbelly, knowing full well that every dragon
has a weak spot on the bottom of their stomachs. The dragon’s pretentious
nature makes him believe he has no weak spot, so he shows his stomach. There it
is a small space of un-armored stomach. He has gotten what he came for and
starts to leave the dragon hears this and becomes enraged flying in the
direction of the sound and almost burns poor Bilbo alive. But he escapes. The
dragon still enraged flies out and wrecks the entrance the dwarves and Bilbo
came in after which he goes to try and destroy a town that the dragon concluded
had aided Bilbo but word of the dragons weak spot had already been received by
one in the village. He takes his arrow aims and fires it straight into the
dragon’s heart killing it in mid air. Now that the dragon is dead the
travelers are free to claim the treasure, but not before a Great War with
humans, elves, and dwarves on one side. Wargs (evil wolves), and goblins on the
other. The travelers survive most of them anyway, and are finally able to claim
the treasure and go home. So “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” He just
might save you over and over again, from evil spiders, elves, and dragons. I
recommend this book it is incredibly good and definitely worth reading at the
very least.
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