Essay, Research Paper: Its A Wonderful Life


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Picture a young child full of life and happiness. The love of his parents shows
through his eyes, smile, and tears. Some people would like to think that those
things about a child are exactly what make life wonderful. People who think that
way have no idea how right they are. Its a wonderful life to know that your
parent’s dreams live on in you. The dream of a mother; that her son will be a
doctor. The dream of a father; that his son will some day become a major league
baseball player. Most of all when its all said and done, that a child can say as
a man, “Its a Wonderful Life”. “It’s a Wonderful Life” are true
stories about events that took place in my life that will be with me forever. I
can remember when I was a little boy, I played my first game of baseball. My
grandfather practiced with me the whole week before the game. Catching and
throwing that baseball seemed like a basketball in my little hands. My
grandfather showed me how to place my feet in the batters box and how to bat.
From that day on, I was in love with the game of baseball. Now that I look back
I wonder what meant more to me, catching that baseball or the fact that my
grandfather taught me the game. As I grew older and more mature I learned a lot
about my grandfather. I was told stories about his life and what a great
ballplayer he was. He could have gone pro, but he didn’t have the support of
his parents. Instead he went ahead and joined the army. It would kill most men
to come that close to their dreams, but if you ask him it was a wonderful life.
I was now a teenager at the age of sixteen, and it was time to get my driver’s
license. This was a day that every parent dreads, and my mom was one of them. I
can remember asking my mother for the car keys so that I could take my road
test. I detected a small smile under her rolling eyes and stone hard frown. My
mom understood how she felt when she got her license. It meant freedom and
responsibility for someone she raised from a baby. I can still remember mom
saying, “You damn kids grow up too fast” as a single tear rolled down her
face. That night I didn’t even leave the house. My mother and I talked for
hours about how it was when she was young. It was an enjoyable evening just
talking to her. It was a wonderful life. Graduation day from high school never
comes soon enough, so we think. Until the day is over then we wish half our
lives we could get back to that time. It was the sixth of June 1996, graduation
day. I never felt so happy to have a piece of paper in my hand. That paper was
worth four years of my life. It symbolized my stressful days at school. It meant
four years of baseball, football, and wrestling. The years of my life that were
hard to endure, but so easy to look back on. These were the days that tested my
knowledge and spirit. These are the people and places that will live in my
memory forever. There was a place called “Tanner Park”. This was the place
everyone went to get away from it all. People showed off their cars and threw
around the old football. The girls there wouldn’t give me the time of day, but
yet I still managed to have fun. I remember the all night parties that seemed to
never end. Although these four years of my life were during my childhood, they
helped make it a wonderful life. My life is not over. The life I live is far
from over. I don’t regret any of the things that I’ve said or done because
they are what make up my life. The dreams my parents have for me live on in my
heart everyday along with my own. It doesn’t matter if those dreams become
reality, for I know I’ve put my best effort forward and that my dreams will
live on in my children. That’s what will make my life truly wonderful.
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