Essay, Research Paper: Keeping Company


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Nora smiles at two men at the beginning of the story, and William is giving her
the evil eye. Does he really not trust her that much? · When Nora goes to walk
on the beach, it reminds me of when we go to Corpus Christi. I love to go and
walk on the beach. · Nora talks about the child as if she is already born. I
think that is wonderful. · “Don’t bother with them, Nora. They’re not our
kind” When William says this, it reminds me of my best friend, and her
boyfriend. · Nora seems like an outgoing lady, and likes to mingle. But when
she gets caught playing games with James, William builds a wall between the two
houses. Does William really not trust her that much? · “The wall is
holding,” he says. “Can you believe it?” I say, “Yes, I believe it”.
Does William really think that the wall is going to hold the relationship
between Dennis and James and Nora? · I love the way she finally stands up to
her husband, and just walks out. William has to come and find her. He realizes
that he is in the wronging. I love the way she makes him realize that.
“…simply walk forward in silence, which is the way it is between husbands
and wives, with married people” Is this really true? This story was very
inspiring. I think that every woman that has a controlling boyfriend should read
this story. It is written very well. The way that William controls his wife
reminds me of my best friend and her boyfriend. He is always controlling her.
Before they started going out, we used to go out for lunch two or three times a
week. It was so nice, spending time with her outside of our hectic lives. But
after they started going out, everything changed. It wasn’t very cool either.
I really wish that it hadn’t changed. One day after like weeks of not talking
to my best friend, someone came over to tell me that a person had keyed her car.
I couldn’t believe it. That person also told me that my best friend thought
that I had done it. I didn’t know what to say. I was to shocked to believe it.
So I decided to confront her. Before her chemistry lab, I went and talked to
her. She said she thought that it was I, but it left her mind after like a
millisecond. But just the thought that she thought it was me, it got me upset.
We talked for like 5 hours, and everything was cool. I thought that we would be
cool forever. And then she started hanging around with her soon-to-be boyfriend.
I heard less and less from her. I wrote her, but got no responses. I just
figured that she was busy. So I decided to page her. I didn’t get any answer.
I didn’t know what to think. I was upset. I thought that our relationship was
going down. Then her boyfriend and her started going out. And things went
downhill from there. We didn’t talk for weeks. When I needed help to solve a
problem in my life, she was not there for me. I started hanging out with this
guy that I met in summer school, and I never thought that him and I would become
like brother and sister. I wish that she could have been there for me. I wanted
to tell her so much about my life. But she wasn’t. I paged her, called her,
but I never got any answer. Then one day, I decided to write her and ask her to
lunch. She responded and we got together. I asked her what was going on with her
life. She said that her life has been really hectic. I asked her why she
hasn’t responded to my emails or phone calls. She said that her and her
boyfriend have been having problems. I told her I was sorry to hear that. She
said that her boyfriend had become to controlling, and the day before that, they
had a huge fight and she started screaming at him. I didn’t know what to say.
She said that she started writing “ I have a boyfriend who is too
controlling” on her paper. I really didn’t know what to say. I mean they
have been going out for over two years. Anyway, the whole point of this story is
that her boyfriend wants her to hang out with who he thinks is appropriate. And
that is not right. My best friend and her boyfriend are different religions, and
he thinks that his religion is more superior, and that hers sucks. It is true.
He has even said it. I wish he wasn’t that controlling. I want her to get out
of the relationship, but I don’t think she can because she is too attached.
And one day, if she isn’t careful, she is going to turn out like Nora. Playing
cards and chess with the next door neighbors when her husband isn’t home to
see her talk to other people. That is just very sad. I really think it is. I’m
glad that I got to see Nora stand on her own two feet. I’m glad that she
walked away and made her husband realize what was wrong with him. I hope that my
best friend does that to her boyfriend one day. I really do. No girl or woman
deserves to be treated like a piece of meat. I will not take that from anyone. I
don’t take it from my boyfriend. We, as women, should be allowed to live
however we want when we want. I think that women should stand up to the guy
that’s controlling them and just say “ Shove it up yours” and walk away. I
hope that one day those women like Nora stand up to their husbands.
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