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Title: Major Barbara Author: George Bernard Shaw Setting: The play extends over
three days in January 1906. The beginning starts in the library of Lady
Britomart, the estranged wife of Andrew Undershaft. It then continues with a
visit to the West Ham Shelter of the Salvation Army. The play finally concludes
at the Undershaft Empire, the munitions' factory. Plot: Lady Britomart invites
her estranged husband, Andrew Undershaft, over to reacquaint him with his
children, Stephen, Sarah, and Barbara. Lady Britomart is in need of more money
to support their daughters and their intended's, Charles Lomax and Adolphus
Cusins. Barbara tries to convert her father and save his soul. While Andrew will
convert his daughter, Barbara to his side. Cast of Key Characters Major Barbara
Undershaft "Conformist" [Barbara to Lady Britomart 65] Lady Britomart
has just informed the girls, Sarah and Barbara, that their father, Andrew
Undershaft, will be arriving at any time. She has already informed Stephen
Undershaft. Since it has been a long time ago, when they were babies, that
Andrew has seen the children she wishes for them to be on their best behavior.
Lady Brit wants to ask Andrew for money for the girls and their intended's,
Charles Lomax and Adolphus Cusins; therefore, she has asked them to be there
also. To accommodate her mother she attempts to conform to a ladylike
appearance. Quote: "All right, mother. We'll do you credit. [She comes off
the table, and sits in her chair with ladylike elegance]."
"Director" [Barbara to Shirley 83] Bill Walker has just assaulted two
women, Rummy and Jenny Hill, at the West Ham Shelter. He is looking for his
woman. Barbara comes out to take the names of the people who have arrived and to
save their souls. She takes control of the situation in a professional way. She
directs Shirley to sit down and for the gentlemen there to give her their names,
addresses, and trades. Barbara is trying to put order back to the disorder that
had just occurred. Quote: "Sit down: make yourself at home. [He hesitates;
but she puts a friendly hand on his shoulder and makes him obey]. Now then!
Since you've made friends with us, we want to know all about you. Names and
addresses and trades." "Conniver" [Barbara to Bill Walker 84]
Shirley has given Barbara his name and trade. She then turns to Bill to give his
name. Bill refuses to give his name to her. She then tries to coax it out of
him, by making a note in her book and calling him chicken basically. Quote:
"[calmly making a note] Afraid to give his name. Any trade?
"Caregiver" [Barbara to Jenny 87] Barbara has been talking with Bill
about what he had done earlier to the women and trying to get him to see the
light. Bill tells her he is looking for his woman, Mog. Barbara tells him where
she is but it won't do him any good to go to get here back she has found another
man. She will more then likely convert him, because that is how she won her new
bow. She decides to let him think about this for awhile and turns her attentions
to Jenny. With sincere concern she asks if Jenny is all right and comforts her
with a gentle touch. Quote: "Poor little Jenny! Are you tired? Does it
hurt?" "Oppressor" [Barbara to Bill 89] Barbara has been talking
with her father about how he and Shirley are both Secularists. Andrew says his
religion is that of a millionaire. She says she is wrong they don't have
anything in common then. Barbara dismisses Shirley and turns to her father. He
asks about Bill. She says they will convert him in time. She seems to read
Bill's mind when she says she is sure her would like to smash Mog's head in. He
is amazed that she knew what he was thinking. She tries to scare him by saying
that his new companion is the devil. And when the devil comes round he depresses
people like him. Quote: "The devil, Bill. When he gets round people they
get miserable, just like you." "Fanatic" [Barbara to Bill 90]
Barbara is hell bent on saving Bill's soul she keeps talking to him about the
terrible thing he has done, hitting a good soul like Jenny Hill. She has become
relentless. Telling him to hold out against the conversion and that he hasn't a
heart. She is playing on his guilt to make him repent and be converted to the
light. She wants to know why he keeps thinking about the deed if he is not
feeling guilty. Quote: "A man with a heart wouldn't have bashed poor little
Jenny's face, would he?" "Critic" [Barbara to Andrew 99] Barbara
has just come back with Snobby Price from the shelter. Snobby has told his story
of wickedness and they have collected four and tenpence. Barbara wish Snobby had
been just a bit more wicked to his mother then they might have received five
shillings. Her father, Andrew Undershaft, is sitting listening to the tale and
offers to give the difference to make up the five shillings. Barbara wants to
know how he made the money. By selling guns of course. She criticizes him for
attempting to buy his soul into forgiveness. The salvation must be worked for.
Quote: "Put it in your pocket. You cant buy your salvation here for
twopence: you must work it out." "Loner" [Barbara to herself 111]
Good news had come from Mrs. Baines that Bodger would donate 5000 pounds to the
shelter if she could get five other to donate 1000 pounds each. Barbara is at
first excited until she learns that this man makes his money from selling
spirits. Her father then offers the other 5000 pounds. He begins to write the
check. Barbara protests that these men should not be allowed to buy their
salvation. She becomes dishearten when the money is accepted and even Cusins
agrees that it must be taken for the poor of the shelter. Because of this act
she has lost the soul of Bill for he sees them buying their way out of sin. She
feels dissolute and alone. Quote: "Drunkenness and Murder! My God: why hast
thou forsaken me?" Andrew Undershaft "Judge" [Undershaft to Lomax
67] Andrew Undershaft has just been introduced to his children, that he has not
seen since they were babies. He blunders who they are quite badly. He mistakes
Sarah's fiancé, Charles Lomax, for his son. He then mistakes Barbara's fiancé,
Adolphus Cusins, for his son. Even after Cusins introduces everyone he calls
Sarah by Barbara. Lomax makes the comment that it must take time to get used to
being there again. Andrew says it is not that. He judges himself that as a
father he is a stranger and as a semi-intruder he will seem an uncaring father.
Quote: "…My difficulty is that if I play the part of a father, I shall
produce the effect of an intrusive stranger; and if I play the part of a
discreet stranger, I may appear a callous father." "Visionary" [Undershaft
to Cusins 94] Undershaft and Cusins are discussing the two things that
Undershaft feels are necessary for salvation, money and gunpowder. Undershaft
has no use for honor truth and justice in his religion for without money and
gunpowder you cannot afford them. Undershaft tells Cusins that in order for him
to live his life the way he proclaims and saves people he must have money and
power. At the end of the play this is what converts both Cusins and Barbara to
Andrew's world. He is giving us insight to the furture for Cusins. Quote:
"I think, my friend, that if you wish to know, as the long days go, that to
live is happy, you must first acquire money enough for a decent life, and power
enough to be your own master." "Conniver" [Undershaft to Cusins
96] Undershaft and Cusins have been discussing religion. Now Undershaft wishes
to deal with the business at hand, getting Barbara for himself and Cusins.
Cusins doesn't want to do business he felt they were talking about religion.
Undershaft tells him that religion is the business at hand for it is the way to
achieve their goals of having Barbara to themselves. Cusins only joined the
Salvation Army to be near Barbara. Undershaft has come to the shelter to find an
inlet to Barbara. He uses the need of money for the Salvation Army to get
Barbara to leave. Quote: "Religion is our business at present, because it
is through religion alone that we can win Barbara."
"Traditionalist" [Undershaft to Lady Britomart 118] Undershaft has
arrived to take the family to his munition factory. When he comes in he and Lady
Brit are alone. Lady Brit approaches the subject of the girls needing money to
support their intended's and themselves. He agrees without any difficulty. She
then approaches the subject of Stephen. Lady Brit wants Stephen to inherit the
factory. Undershaft tells her that he cannot break the tradition. Every
Undershaft has been a foundling and that has been the tradition for years. It is
also the tradition that the wives argue with the Undershaft husbands about the
disinheriting of the eldest son. Quote: My dear Biddy: the Undershaft tradition
disinherits him. It would be dishonest of me to leave the cannon foundry to my
son." "Oppressor" [Undershaft to Lady Brit 120] Undershaft and
Lady Brit are arguing over the fact that he will not make Stephen his successor.
Undershaft tells her that if she wishes to keep the factory in the family then
she must find a suitable man to marry Barbara that will fit the tradition. She
sees now that Barbara is his pet. He attempts to put her in her rightful place
as a woman and his wife by telling her she must submit to him. Quote: "Just
as much as it is your duty to submit to your husband." "Critic" [Undershaft
to Cusins 147] Undershaft has offered the foundling position to Cusins. Cusins
is unable to make up his mind for he still has a sense of morality that selling
guns is wrong. He is trying to resist the temptation laid before him of the
money that would free him to do well by his conscience. Undershaft can feel that
he is winning this man over and he keeps pushing. He criticizes Cusins weapons
against him. They pity and love, have failed him now he must try forgiveness.
Undershaft will win. Quote: "You are fencing, Euripides. You are weakening:
your grip is slipping. Come! Try your last weapon. Pity and love have broken in
your hand: forgiveness is still left." Adolphus Cusins "Jester" [Cusins
to Lady Britomart 63] Lady Brit is preparing to tell Sarah and Barbara, and
their intended's that the girls' father, Andrew Undershaft, is coming to the
home that evening. She is quite serious in her manner of speaking, but Adolphus
is laughing. She would expect this from Charles but not him. He explains that
Barbara was attempting to show him how to do the Salvation Army March. Lady Brit
feels if he were truly converted this would not be humorous. Quote:
"Barbara has been trying to teach me the West Ham Salvation March."
"Director" [Cusins to Undershaft 67] Andrew Undershaft has just
entered the home of Lady Brit, his estranged wife. She had requested he come. He
is unsure of who his children are since they were babies when he left. He has
already mistaken Lomax for his son. He then mistakes Cusins for his son.
Undershaft keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Cusins feels sorry for him and
takes control of the situation. Cusins introduces everyone and who they are and
how they are related to Undershaft. Quote: "…My name is Cusins: engaged
to Barbara. That is Major Barbara Undershaft of the Salvation Army. That is
Sarah, your second daughter. This is Stephen Undershaft, your son."
"Oppressor" [Cusins to Undershaft 96] Undershaft and Cusins are
discussing Barbara and her religion coming from within herself. They are at the
West Ham Shelter. They are talking about winning Barbara through religion.
Undershaft has gone on a tirade about how Barbara will take over his vision and
preach of his views about money and gunpower. Cusins is attempting to put
Undershaft back in his place by telling him he is crazy. Quote: "[urbanely:
trying to bring him down to earth]…Of course you know that you are mad."
"Visionary" [Cusins to Lady Brit 116] Cusins is still drunk from the
night before with Undershaft. Lomax, Barbara, and Lady Brit are horrified. He
tells how Undershaft didn't want his name mentioned as the benefactor of the
Salvation Army. He said that Undershaft would be bombard by the charitable
organizations. Lady Brit declares that is just like him to use an unjust reason
for doing a good deed. Cusins says he has been swayed by Undershaft to believe
he too has been doing this most of his life. This gives insight into the way
Undershaft brings Adolphus to become his foundling. Quote: He convinced me that
I have all my life been doing improper things for proper reasons."
"Dreamer" [Cusins to Barbara 149] Cusins has been battling with his
morals as to whether or not he should join Undershaft in his foundry. He and
Barbara are talking that there is no power for him. Even though he has decided
to take the position. Adolphus dreams of giving the power to the world. Which
will make it a better place. Quote: "I know. It is not for myself alone. I
want to make power for the world." Lady Britomart Undershaft
"Oppressor" [Lady Britomart to Stephen Undershaft 52] Lady Brit wishes
to speak to her son Stephen on a serious matter. Stephen is quite nervous about
what is to be told to him. Treating him like a child Lady Brit demands he bring
her a cushion and sit down. She then orders him to stop fidgeting with his tie.
She is trying to dominate over his insecurities. Quote: "Bring me my
cushion. Sit down. Don't fiddle with your tie, Stephen: there is nothing the
matter with it." "Avant-garde" [Lady Brit to Stephen 53] Lady
Britomart has asked Stephen for advise with the family affairs-the welfare of
his sisters, Barbara and Sarah, and himself- Stephen feels there are certain
subjects he should not approach. Lady Brit then initiates the subject of her
estranged husband, Andrew Undershaft. It is her intention to invite him over to
ask him for money for the girls and their intended's, Charles and Adolphus.
Andrew has not seen the children since their infancy. Quote: "I suppose you
mean your father." "Judge" [Lady Brit to Stephen 56] Lady Brit
and Stephen are discussing why she and Andrew are separated. Andrew is a bastard
child who was adopted and raised to take control of the cannon factory. Out of
tradition Andrew is looking for someone to adopt and train in the business so
they might inherit it. Andrew is unashamed of his background. Lady Brit feels
that Andrew is doing an injustice to their son by disinheriting him. Quote:
"Yes, because he was content with being a fondling himself: he wanted to
disinherit you for another fondling. That was what I couldn't stand."
"Conniver" [Lady Brit to Stephen 60] Stephen has just found out all
the immoral things there is to know about his father. He has also found out that
all the money that supports his family comes from his father. Lady Brit says
that the money is settled, but more is needed for Sarah and Barbara to support
their intended husbands, Charles Lomax and Adolphus Cusins. She is trying to get
Stephen to say for her to ask Andrew for the money; therefore it is not all on
her head. Quote: "I am not determined: I ask your advice, and I am waiting
for it. I will not have all the responsibility thrown on my shoulders."
Charles Lomax "Critic" [Lomax to Undershaft 70] Undershaft and Barbara
are talking about the Salvation Army. Lomax is playing the concertina. Barbara
asks Undershaft if he can play any instrument. He says he plays the trombone.
Lomax is scandalized. Barbara says many sinners have played their way to heaven
with the trombone. Lomax criticizes Undershaft by saying that isn't his cup of
tea. Quote: "Getting into heaven is not exactly your line, is it?"
"Avant-garde" [Lomax to Barbara 114] Lomax is the first to state about
Barbara not wearing her Salvation Army Uniform. This is after the upset she had
at the Shelter. Quote: "You've left off your uniform!"
"Jester" [Lomax to Lady Brit 117] Lady Brit has said to Adolphus that
since Barbara has left the Salvation Army he must also. He has already done so.
Barbara would like to know if he would have joined if he hadn't seen her. He
stammers, he thinks she is about to find out that he only joined to win her hand
in marriage. Charles is trying to be cunning and reveal Cusins secret. Lady Brit
scowled at him. Then he jokes about his actions. Quote: "Well, drivel is
drivel, don't you know, whatever a man's age." Theme The play has many
themes in each of its acts, but the major theme is the battle between good and
evil through wealth and power. The first power battle comes between Lady
Britomart and Andrew Undershaft over the affection of the children. Lady Brit
must invite Undershaft over to her home after many years of estrangement and she
states that Undershaft has a charisma that allows him to plant his wickedest
ideas into children and they will follow. In the end of the play she loses her
children to him and his money at the cannon factory. Barbara breaks down and
decides that she should focus her opinions on those who are well fed. Stephen
must admit that the place is much nicer than he had expected. Undershaft makes
an affront against the Salvation Army with his money. He uses the need of money
for the Salvation Army to get Barbara to leave. Good news had come from Mrs.
Baines that Bodger would donate 5000 pounds to the shelter if she could get five
other to donate 1000 pounds each. Barbara is at first excited until she learns
that this man makes his money from selling spirits. Her father then offers the
other 5000 pounds. He begins to write the check. Barbara protests that these men
should not be allowed to buy their salvation. She becomes dishearten when the
money is accepted and even Cusins agrees that it must be taken for the poor of
the shelter. Because of this act she has lost the soul of Bill for he sees them
buying their way out of sin. Cusins has been battling with his morals as to
whether or not he should join Undershaft in his foundry. He and Barbara are
talking that there is no power for him. Adolphus accepts Undershaft's job offer
after he realizes he cannot accomplish good in the world without money and
influence. Undershaft and Cusins are discussing the two things that Undershaft
feels are necessary for salvation, money and gunpowder. Undershaft has no use
for honor truth and justice in his religion for without money and gunpowder you
cannot afford them. Undershaft tells Cusins that in order for him to live his
life the way he proclaims and saves people he must have money and power. At the
end of the play this is what converts both Cusins and Barbara to Andrew's world.
The quote that embodies this theme is "I think, my friend, that if you wish
to know, as the long days go, that to live is happy, you must first acquire
money enough for a decent life, and power enough to be your own master."
Pg. 94. The third Act of the play is necessary to tie up all the loose ends. It
is no better than the rest of the play. Of course I really didn't like this
play. I felt the extremes were to overbearing.
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