Essay, Research Paper: My Antonia By Willa Cather


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Which character in this work reminds you of people you know? In the novel My
Antonia, Anton Cazak reminds me of my neighbor. Anton Cazak is a considerate
good-humored man. He shows this in the story when he is polite enough to
substitute English for Bohemian since Jim is his guest. He also presents his
gift of a paper snake gently to little Jan to lift the spirits of the child.
Anton Cazak is a kind of person who also likes children and finds them amusing.
He is also so charitable that he misses living in the city but stays and works
very hard on the farm because of Antonia staying with them. My neighbor is also
a considerate good-humored man with a good nature because when my lawn mower
broke I borrowed his. During the time I was using his lawn mower, he fixed my
lawn mower and returned it back to me. He is also very courteous, my neighbor
showed this when he cancelled his anniversary party just because my baby sister
was sick, and he did not want to disturb her. This shows that my neighbor is
just like Anton Cazak because they are both good-hearted, good humored and very
considerate people. In the Novel My Antonia, Anton Cazak was kind and
considerate many people liked him and respected him. This is just like my
neighbors on my block, because of my next door neighbors great personality they
all respect him in a way that nobody else does. It shows that if you treat
people nicely they also treat you back with generosity. What kind of barriers or
obstacles did a character or characters overcome? One of the barriers the
characters overcome in the novel My Antonia is the language barrier unable to
communicate the newly arrived family the Shimendas needed help surviving in the
Nebraska climate second barrier is the severe winter. Were the winter less
severe the simendas might have been able to escape there unpleasant life of
living in the cave because of not having a house built yet. Third barrier and
final barrier has the lack of cooperation among the immigrants themselves. The
shimendas faced many barriers after some losses the shimendas finally defeated
the foes.
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