Essay, Research Paper: Night By Elie Weisel


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"Life is easier to take than you'd think; all that is necessary is to
accept the impossible, do without the indispensable, and bear the
intolerable." This quote was said by Kathleen Norris. I think that I agree
with the quote, and also that the quote was not being sarcastic. One example of
this quote being true is in the book Night by Elie Weisel. When the Nazi powers
began to take over the country Elie and his family didn’t "accept the
impossible". They thought they if they stayed where they were, that the
whole thing would blow over. But they were wrong. His family are sent to a
concentration camp. He and his father are separated from his family, and then
they are forced to do series of tests in which the is inhumane in regular
society. These tests included, getting shaved, getting doused with gasoline, and
staying out in the cold for hours with no clothes on. They had to "bear the
intolerable". Another example of the quote was the move "Max and
Helen". They, just as the Weisel family, refused to "accept the
impossible" and evacuate their homes before it was too late. In this movie,
however, Max, Helen, and, Helen’s sister were separated from their parents and
sent to a quarry where they had to work. They had to work very hard and were
beaten, and they had to "bear the intolerable" . If these families
would’ve lived by the quote by Kathleen Norris, they could have saved
themselves from much suffering and agony. If you can "accept the
impossible", you can just live without worrying about what’s going to
happen. And if you can "bear the intolerable", you can get through the
tough times, and live for the good.
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