Essay, Research Paper: Night By Elie Wiesel


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The Halocaust, a horrible time for the world. Just as any war is. War is the
single most destructive thing our world has. It can take the lives of millions
of people in just a few seconds.War however may seem bad from the perspective of
many people, but it is even worse from the perspective of a single person. A boy
for instance, trapped between two opposing forces. Elie for example has lived
through this. A boy of only 15, how much he has suffered through. During the
course of the book Night it is obvious that Elie lost faith in his god.
"For the first time, I felt revolt rise up in me. Why should I bless his
name? The Eternal, Lord of the Universe, the All-Poerful and terrible, was
silent. what had I to thank him for?" (31). This is Elie's first sign of
losing faith. In his mind he wondered how a god, so great and wonderful hasn't
helped out his people, But rather let them see how cruel people can be. Elie
said this after he had witnessed babies sent to their doom in a pit of fire. How
could he not ask his god why he hasn't done anything. A boy of 15 years old
should not witness this, nor should anyone witness these acts of hatred.
"Never shall I forget those flames which consumed my faith forever."
(32) From that moment on, Elie had no reason to believe in God. The flames which
Madame Schachter had spoke about on the train. If only they realized it sooner.
God, the most important role in human civilization was going to let the
slaughter of innocent people go on in his world. Many people lost faith during
this time. The sight of someone being beaten infront of you, but knowing that if
you help, it'll be even worse for you. Never shall I forget that nocturnal
silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live. Never shall
I forget those moments which murdered my god and my soul and turned my dreams to
dust. Never shall I forget these things even if I am condemmed to live as long
as God Himself, forever. Never. (32) Something so powerful it could murder a
once very religous boy's faith forever. He would never be able to turn back like
he once did, to ask God "Why?". God lives forever, Elie will never
forget these images inprinted in his mind. It is too hard to forget something
that impacts yourself, you life, and the people around you in such a way that
you lose all the faith you have. No matter how much you had to begin with, you
can lose it in an instance. Just like Elie, no longer can he pray at night, no
longer can he look in the sky and say to himself "Im lucky to have such a
great god to look over me". I had new shoes myself. But as they were coated
with a thick layer of mud, no one had noticed them. I thanked god, in an
improvised prayer, for having created mud in His infinite and wonderful
universe. (35) Sarcasm, in a time like this, to mock the "All
powerful". Its just another point proving that Elie did lose faith in his
God. How can he believe in somthing that won't prevent a catastrophe. I know one
has no right to say thinks like that. I know man is too small, too humble and
inconsiderable to seek to understand the mysterious ways of god. But what can I
do? I'm not a sage, one of the elect, nor a saint. I'm just an ordinary creature
of flesh and blood. I've got eyes, too, and I can see what they're doing here.
Where is the divine Mercy? Where is God? How can I believe, how could anyone
believe, in this merciful god? (73) Faith, the one thing man has over animals,
the belief in a god, the All Powerful the savior of the earth. But it can
dissapear, and quickly. If no one believes in somthing than how does it exist? I
doesn't I no on remembered our past, or left clues behind, we wouldn't know
about the civilizations on earth. Even the loss of faith in a single boy can
hurt. Especially when he is so young to whitness pure evil. Elie has definitly
lost faith in his god. He may no longer pray nor go to church.
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