Essay, Research Paper: Odyssey


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The Odyssey is an epic poem, which shows the maturation of Odysseus throughout
his long journey home from the war at Troy. Odysseus grows from an arrogant,
self-centered warrior to a more humble man. This mental odyssey is seen as the
young Odysseus matures, learns values of and respect for nature and higher power
to return home to Ithaka as a more humble and honorable man. The first side of
Odysseus seen in this poem is the young arrogant Odysseus. After the Trojan war
Odysseus shows no thanks to the god Poseidon. Offending the god did not make an
easy voyage home. Odysseus and his men eventually end up at the island of the
Kyklopes. They go in cave that belongs to Kyklopes and take what they need. When
Kyklopes catches them, Odysseus give him wine in hopes that he will pass out.
Then Odysseus tells the Cyclopes that his name is “Nohbdy”. While Cyclopes
is unconscious on the ground Odysseus stabs him in the eye and runs to the ship
with his men. The Cyclopes tries to get help from his brothers but he is not
successful because he yells, “Nohbdy has hurt me!” Odysseus shows his hubris
after he has safely left the shores by saying, “Puny, am I, in a Caveman’s
hands? How so you like the beating that we gave you, you damn cannibal?” (Ody
IX 520) Since the Cyclopes is Poseidon’s son and Odysseus shows hubris about
hurting him, Poseidon hate for Odysseus grows. This provokes Poseidon to not let
Odysseus and his crew from returning home at all. Odysseus then, begins to learn
that hubris only gets him disliked by the gods even more when his companions
dies from Poseidon’s curse. Odysseus begins to mature to be more humble and
thankful for the leadership and luck that the gods have given him, after he
realizes why he lost his companions. When he arrives at an unknown island he
meets the god of the wind. The god seems to like Odysseus and helps him by
giving him a bag of wind that is not to be opened until he and his men have
reached their home, Ithaka. Odysseus shows that he is maturing by listening to
the god. He also shows that he is maturing by taking it upon himself to take
care of the wind the whole voyage home. “I had worked the sheet nine days
alone, and give it to no one, wishing to spill no wind on the homeward
run,”(Ody X 36). On the ninth day, the shore of Ithaka could be seen, Odysseus
thinks he is safe and sleeps until he is waken up by the screaming of the wind
that his men had released from the bag. Odysseus and his ship are blow back to
the island where Father Aiolos refuses to help him. Odysseus sails away to the
island of Aiaia. After many adventures with Kirke and Odysseus’ men, Kirke
promises to keep Odysseus for harm by telling him with path to take on the way
home. Then Kirke adds that he must prevent the men from eating the cattle on the
island called the sun. This time his men show hubris by eating the cattle that
they were warned not to eat. The next day when they leave the island, Zeus
strike the ship with a lightning bolt. All of Odysseus' men die and he is forced
to swim days to the island of Alkinoos. Throughout this journey Odysseus’
hubris slowly wears away to completely. This is show when he says, “ O hear
me, lord of the stream: how sorely I depend upon your mercy! Derelict as I am by
the sea’s anger… Here is your servant; lord, have mercy on me,” (Ody V
467) Finally when Odysseus returns home he is changed to be more humble and has
learned many lessons along his journey home. The change in Odysseus is seen when
he returns home and the disguised Athena asks him who he is. Odysseus lies to
her; instead of bragging about whom he is. Odysseus also shows he has changed
when he finds out that the suitors have taken over his house. He knows he must
kill them, but does it with different values than he had in the beginning of the
story. Instead of killing the suitors quickly and aggressively like he might
have before he is calm and interested because he does not find enjoyment in
killing any more. The change is even seen by Athena, Odysseus’ mentor and
protector, when she says, “Where is your valor, where is the iron hand that
fought at Troy for Helen, pearl of kings, no respite and nine years of war?…
How is it now that on your own door sill, before the harriers of your wife, you
curse your luck not to be stronger?”(Ody XXII 250). In the epic poem, The
Odyssey Odysseus changes and matures from an arrogant young man to a man with
better values and greater sense humbleness. The epic poem The Odyssey is also a
mental odyssey through which Odysseus matures to a more honorable man once he
reaches the shores of his homeland, Ithaka.
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