Essay, Research Paper: Rip Van Winkle


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Analyzation encompasses the application of given criteria to a literary work to
determine how efficiently that work employs the given criteria. In the
analyzation of short stories, the reader uses a brief imaginative narrative
unfolding a single incident and a chief character by means of plot, the details
so compressed and the whole treatment so organized, a single impression results.
To expose that impression, the reader explores the workings of seven basic
criteria. One particular criterion character effectively supports the central
idea in “Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving. The character's type develops
with the personality development throughout the story. Three types of
characters: round, flat, and stock, appear in most stories. The round character
displays a fully developed personality and full emotions. Flat characters, also
known as supporting characters, do not develop fully or express complex
emotions. A stock character, also known as a stereotype, fits an established
characterization from real life or literature. With these three types of
characters leading the reader through the story, the reader learns the events
taking place as well as the changes in the character’s lives. The author keeps
the reader informed of the changes affecting the characters throughout the
narrative through style. When a character undergoes a fundamental change in
nature or personality during the story, the character has dynamic style.
However, a character without change defines a static character. Although all
characters have a style and type sometimes understanding the differences appears
complicated. A chart often helps establish a better understanding of character
type and style. The following chart represents the characters used by Washington
Irving in “Rip Van Winkle”: Character Location Type Style Rip (Pro)
Paragraph threeLines seven and eight R S Dame Paragraph four R S Wolf Paragraph
nineLine one and two F S Derrick Van Bummel Paragraph ten Line seven R D
Nicholas Vedder Paragraph tenLines one, two, and three R D Rip Jr. (Son)
Paragraph seven R S Judith Gardenier Paragraph forty-sixLines six through eight
F S Dominic Van Shaick Paragraph eighteenLine nine S S Brom Dutcher Paragraph
thirty-seven S S Strange Figure Paragraph sixteenLine nine S S Commander
Paragraph eighteenLines nine and ten S S Rip (Antag) Paragraphs five and
eightLines one and twoLines one and four R S Hendrick Hudson Paragraph fifty-nineLine
nine S S Peter Vanderdonk Paragraph fifty-sixLines one and two S S Jonathon
Doolittle Paragraph thirty S S The author uses one main character, at most, two;
only the protagonist and the antagonist exist as major characters. “Rip Van
Winkle”, Washington Irving uses one main character to play both the role of
the protagonist and the antagonist. In paragraph three lines, six and seven, the
reader meets the protagonist. “…a simple good-natured fellow of the name of
Rip Van Winkle” In paragraphs five and nine, lines one and two, and one and
four, respectively, the reader encounters the antagonist. “The great error in
Rip’s composition was an insuperable aversion for all kinds of labor.”
“…Rip would rather starve on a penny than work for a pound.” Even though,
in both cases where the reader encounters Rip Van Winkle, Rip only counts as one
main character. Characterization occurs when the author draws an overall picture
of the characters. Characterization happens in two ways in literature, by
description and personality. The author uses the words a story to describe a
character or imply the appearance of the characters through the text of the
story. Introducing the personality of the character to the reader in words give
or describe the personality of the characters or the words used imply certain
things about the character. The protagonist in “Rip Van Winkle” the reader
first meets in paragraph three, lines seven and eight, “… a simple
good-natured fellow of the name of Rip Van Winkle.” The reader assumes the
appearance of Rip from the preceding paragraphs in which the author sets the
general timeframe in the colonial era before and after the American
Revolutionary war. Musclat best describes Rip because of all of the physical
labor done in chores. Rip also had light hair with blue eyes. Rip’s dress was
that of the day: black suits with fluffy white collars, tri-cornered hats, and
brass buckles on the black shoes. Good natured and helpful best describes
Rip’s attitude, this good faith towards all that eventually lands Rip in
trouble. The antagonist in “Rip Van Winkle” the reader first encounters in
paragraph five, lines one and two. Also, the reader discovers additional
information in paragraph eight lines nine and ten. “…eat white bread or
brown, whichever can be got with least thought or trouble, and would rather
starve on a penny than work for a pound.” This quotation symbolizes Rip’s
attitude of doing what takes less effort and not doing work when not watched.
Whenever Rip could, Rip would wonder to the porch of the local inn. Authors help
the reader understand where a character’s values lie by using character
archetypes or original patterns or models of a character type. In “Rip Van
Winkle”, only one such archetype exists. The archetype, Hunting Group of
Companions, fits the group of Van Bummel, Vedder, Rip, and Dutcher. In paragraph
ten, the reader meets the group. “For a long while he used to console himself,
when driven from home, by frequenting a kind of perpetual club of the sages,
philosophers, and other idle personages of the village…” In the group, the
members sat on the Inn porch and engaged in deep conversation. Rip inquired
about the club of the sages after sleeping for twenty years. The lesson taught
by the author through the actions of the protagonist in the plot either through
what the protagonist does or does not do. The universal truth presents an idea
assumed true by the masses worldwide that teaches a lesson. The universal truth
for “Rip Van Winkle” “Choice of attention - to pay attention to this and
ignore that - is to the inner life what choice of action is to the outer. In
both cases, a man is responsible for his choice and must accept the
consequences, whatever they may be”. This truth becomes evident in “Rip Van
Winkle” by Rip himself. Because Rip always chooses to do the chores of others,
the dilapidated Van Winkle home never gets fixed and the fields, never farmed.
In “Rip Van Winkle” by Washington Irving, the author excellently expressed
the central idea of the short story. The explanation of character and the use of
specific information form the story demonstrate how effectively this aspect of
short story structure supports the overall idea. Six other criteria plot,
central idea, setting, tone, language and narrative viewpoint, explore all
support aspects of the central idea in short story writing. The short story
presents a single plot structure and a main character that develop the central
focus through these seven aspects. Analyzing the specific parts allows the
reader to understand and appreciate the instructional value of the short story
form of literature.
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