Essay, Research Paper: Scarlet Pimpernel


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Many objects and people these days have the ability to be compared and
contrasted. For example, you could compare and contrast a dog and a cat. A dog
is most commonly a house pet, like the cat. But a dog has more of an ability to
be trained, unlike the cat. But it's not the subject of comparing a dog and a
cat. It's time to begin comparing and contrasting Sir Percy and Chauvelin from
The Scarlet Pimpernel, a book written by Baroness Orczy. Let's start with
comparing Percy and Chauvelin. Something that they have in common is that they
both are smart and creative. For example, Percy showed his creativity by
outwitting Chauvelin at the Chat Gris. When Percy offered Chauvelin the snuff,
but it really was pepper, that was definite creativity. Chauvelin shows his
smarts when he holds Armand hostage and blackmails Margueritte. Really, how else
can you think of that would make Margueritte do anything for Chauvelin? Another
way that the two are alike is that they both are fighting for what they believe
in. Percy is trying to free the aristocrats, while Chauvelin is attempting to
prevent the aristocrats from leaving. Both are totally devoted to their job and
are fighting for what they believe. Like how Percy could get killed at any time
if he gets caught by Chauvelin. Speaking of Chauvelin, he himself is not a liked
man ; there are many that wouldn't mind his little head on a stick, eh? The
third way that Chauvelin and Sir Percy are alike is that they both use disguises
in the book. Percy uses a disguise when he is trying to smuggle out aristocrats.
His was of an old hag, and it allowed him to bypass the guards. He said that he
was toting along his son who had the plague. Percy also had many accessories
with his tricks. This time he used a rope of braids that Percy said were from
the men who's heads got cut off. Yikes! Chauvelin's disguise was of a clergyman,
used while he was tracking down the Scarlet Pimpernel. This disguise allowed him
to not be recognized immediately by Percy, but still he recognized Chauvelin
eventually. Moving on to contrast, Percy and Chauvelin do not think alike. Yes,
they are both very smart, but Chauvelin plays dirty while Percy sticks to the
rules. For example, Chauvelin will kidnap people and blackmail them. He
kidnapped Armand and made Margueritte lead him to the Pimpernel or else
Chauvelin would kill Armand. Percy, on the other hand, plays fair and is very
polite. Like the time when Percy's life was in danger at the Chat Gris. When he
was leaving, and minutes away from his death, did he dash out the door? No, he
politely paid for his meal and left. Now that's nice ! Another thing that the
two characters do not have in common is how they direct their men. Chauvelin is
more of a guy who will tell his men to do something, yet Chauvelin doesn't do
anything but direct. He will say, "Men, shoot at that hut when the tall man
comes!" But does he have a gun in hand? Nope. Percy, though, will tell his
men to do something, and you can bet that he will be up there. Like when he
rescues aristocrats, Percy is the one leading the cart passed the guards,
risking his own life. The third thing that these two men don't have in common is
their view's on aristocrats. Sir Percy is fighting for his life to save these
poor French souls, but Chauvelin is trying his best to kill them all.
Chauvelin's job is to find deliver the aristocrats that are sinning on their
country to Madame La Guillotine. Totally opposite is Percy's job of rescuing
these doomed French from death during their revolution. In conclusion, it's easy
to see that these two men have a lot in common. They are both smart and
creative, they both fight for what they believe, and they both use disguises
sometimes. On the other hand, these men don't really think alike, they are two
different directors, and their views are different on aristocrats. All in all,
these two men share many similarities, but their differences outweigh the
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