Essay, Research Paper: Show About Nothing


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In the artcle, “Is Seinfeld the Best Comedy Ever?”, author Jay McInerney
agrees with Seinfeld the best comedy on television. Seinfeld is a real life
show. The behaviors of Jerry, Kramer, George and Elaine, the failed
communication, and the everyday embassassment represent “nothingness” but a
peculiar everyday life. These “nothingnesses” happen to all of us, but when
it is put on TV, people will laugh at these. Besides, the author appreciates the
fact that Seinfeld is a New York story but it is filmed in Los Angeles. “The
lumpy texture of life in the city, the random looniness of the street, the
idioms and speech inflections of Manhattan, and the claustrophobia of New York
apartment living” in the show fascinates the New Yorker as it is so real and
funny. Seinfeld takes those little nothings and combines them to create
something realistic. Nothingness and reality give the author the reasons to
believe that it is the best comedy ever. When people consider Seinfeld as a
“show about nothing”. It could be humorous that “nothingness” can
provide such an interesting topic for the comedies of life. In life people care
about details and worry about trouble, the little nothings made are soon
forgotten. Thus, these “nothingnesses” are actually fragments of out real
life. Seinfeld gathers the nothingness into a show, and it spreads out the idea
that everything in the show that actually happens all around us. For example,
losing the car in a parking garage, working for an eccentric boss and coping
with the trials and tribulations of dating, it is common for a lot of people.
And these realities come into the nothingness of Seinfeld. In Seinfeld, the
fabulous four characters George, Kramer, Elaine and Jerry share the
nothingnesses which life have granted them. George cannot attract thr girl
because of his limitiations as a short, bald, fat man. Kramer struggles with the
fact that he has not achieved anything in his life yet.. Elaine worries her hold
on to a good boyfriend and a good job for long. And Jerry, living with his
nothing friends, as well as his own LEX Luthurs which seem to always abstract
his plans to find his own Lois Lane and live the life of Superman. The four were
cramped in small apartments of New York and live a life of nothingness. Besides,
even the settings in Seinfeld for great adventures appear muchlike nothing.
Seinfeld always takes place in Jerry’s apartment. Jerry fears germs greatly so
he keeps a neat apartment. From the apartment the four plan trips to the movies
or coffee shops. The coffee shop is a place where Elaine, George, and Jerry
converse. The movie house is a place where Jerry, George, and Elaine often go to
watch movies together or bring dates. Jerry gets caught making out during
Shindlers List. Elaine gets caught not like the English Patient. They always get
into trouble at the movie theater. The settings of Seinfeld are simple in
design, telling people that they are living in a common way. In conclusion, I
agree with the description that Seinfeld is a “show about nothing”. However,
the nothingness in the show actually represent reality. That is, Seinfels is a
“show about reality”. George, Kramer, Elaine, and Jerry are not stereotyped,
they have unique characters and they just represent the way that they live. The
settings are simple and make people more easily to get connected with them. And
the plot, it is about fragments of lives. It is a show about reality that it may
happen around us. Seinfeld creates an identity that watching “nothing” can
present laughter and humor to everyone. Besides, the gift of “nothingness”
has transformed the lives of millions around the world.
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