Essay, Research Paper: Sojourner Truth


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If one ever been called a nigger or looked down upon when entering a room knows
the pain of discrimination. The hard reality that faces the women of the north
and the Negroes of the South today is the same. The northern women have been
fighting for the right to vote while the Negroes have been fighting for their
freedom. The white men are supposed to more powerful and much smarter than Negro
women but then why aren’t they given the rights to prove themselves? Many men
argue that men are more powerful than women are. They say that women should be
treated with the care and delicateness of a fragile glass figurine. Many slaves
in the south, men and women, work under the hot burning sun for endless hours
plucking cotton from the thorny branches of the cotton trees that has often cut
me. The sweat that often blinded my vision before the afternoon hit also
provided me comfort my arms. My arms tell the story of the hardship that many of
my fellow Negroes had to endure at the hands of the white man. The life of
servitude that I been born in was no dream of mine. Neither do I which the same
for my children who’ve been also sold off before they reached the age of
thirteen. The plight we endure each day can only be compared to the one endured
several centuries ago of the Jews. I know Jesus understands what my people and I
am going through. I pray to God and ask him for the same type of wisdom afforded
to his children. Men are naturally given all the rights, but they abuse it to
make our life a living hell. It goes beyond my comprehension to know that this
union of ours which only survives under the care of God. In the Bible, it
states, “Treat one another as you would like to be treated”. We are all
children of God and therefore have to abide by his rules. It says that we need
to have compassion for the weak and to give charity to those in need. So why do
these men who run this country and claim to be God’s people withhold our
rights. Men answer these questions with “ Jesus was a woman”. But my reply
to that is then who gave birth to Jesus? Mary, a woman that labored through
excruciating pain to give birth to our savior. Whom did he die for? All of us,
and not just for the men. Eve is said to have caused the God’s children to be
doomed to death, because she was tricked Adam to eating the forbidden fruit. If
a women was a powerful enough to do that then why are they not letting us prove
that we can fix the world. It has been said that nothing is more cared for than
for something that was touched by women. When we protest for our rights they
better listen or we’ll make them listen!
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