Essay, Research Paper: Time Machine By Herbert Wells


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Time travel. An idea that has fascinated mankind for all eternity. The shear
idea of voyaging through the fabric of time is both an intriguing and
exhilarating thought. Throughout time, many author's have closely predicted the
future through their novels, and who's to say H.G. Wells wont follow the
proverbial footsteps of these authors with The Time Machine? Is the idea to far
fetched? The time traveler in the story didn't think so, all though others
didn't agree. But who can predict the future? Maybe we have already been visited
by people from the future and don't even know it. This book is a wonderful look
at the questions time travel raises, and I will elaborate on this great novel in
the coming paragraphs. The time machine takes place in the nineteenth to
twentieth century, or the present time somewhere on Earth. That is, at first.
The time traveler as he is refereed to in this book, quickly decided to leave
for another time frame. This time frame unfortunately being in the extremely far
future year of 802,700. Nothing in this time frame is the same as his, he might
as well be a caveman. This time period seemed very intriguing, with a culture
that has reached a state of utopia, or so it would seem. He would find that
everything isn't perfect, seeing as his only link back to his own time period
had quickly been severed. There are only a few characters in this novel. The
first one we meet is of course the main character, the time traveler himself. We
also meet the people he associated himself and shares his discoveries with. Two
that we hear about the longest are Filby, who is a red haired man who is very
argumentative and has a return comment for every one made, and the psychologist,
who is a mellow, not very objective person... these two characters almost
contrast each other personality wise. The main character in the story is a very
interesting one to say the least. He has qualities that make for a truly diverse
individual. At first, it would seem to you that this man is a little crazy. Some
portrayed him this way, which is very expected. The idea of time travel in this
time frame and at in the time frame in novel is something tied in directly with
fiction. It didn't and still doesn't have any scientific basis in our society,
but it is something that may be very realistic someday. The time traveler saw
this was the time for that fiction to be transformed into reality, and hence he
created his time machine. He got the criticism that came with the territory, but
he also got some praise. The main character was not only a true genius for his
invention, but he was also a very resourceful person. He needed to be both smart
and resourceful to survive in the future, a world so different from his. He was
also convicted, he never gave up on what he applied himself to. The time
travelers purpose in the novel was being the main link to everything going on,
and to be the center of all the events within the novel. He produced, tested,
and used the time machine and it's philosophy. He is a static character, as he
stays the same throughout most of the novel. The only thing that changes is his
perception of certain things, and his knowledge of the future. The character
doesn't relate to anyone in real life in my opinion. He does have the
characteristics of some great people though, he has those of a leader, a
scientist, and a soldier. The theme of the story in my opinion is do not worry
about the future, make it through the present. This is applied very easily to
real life. People have to live their lives not worrying about the future, and
instead thinking about the present and making the most out of the day. Time
travel may be something interesting, but for now I think after reading the
story, we should worry about the present.
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