Essay, Research Paper: Time Traveler


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There are three working theories the “Time Traveler” developed upon his
visit to the distant future. The first is the laziness of what human-kind has
become. The second is the division between the classes, below ground and above
it. The third is based on how human evolution had gone back to its starting
point. The glorification of technology is not the answer to the “utopian”
life we all seek. The first theory of the “laziness” of human-kind is
unfolding today. We grow more and more dependant upon machines to feed, clothe,
bathe, groom, cure, and entertain our needs. We think we are in a
“technologically superior” times, but if one takes away electricity, we are
back in the dark ages. The people of the year 802,700 lack any sense of drive or
motivation due to not having any problems at all. The “Eloi” play everyday
without a care in the world. The only element in their world that is problematic
is the “darkness” the harbors the evil “Morlocks.” The second theory
about the future is of the division of the classes. He believes that in the
future the people of the earth separated into “below ground” and “above
ground” states of living. The working class lived deep inside the earth much
like in the movie “Metropolis,” while the owners lived above ground free to
live life to its fullest. It is from this working hypothesis that the future
developed this way, thus labeling the “Morlocks” as “working class” and
the “Eloi” as the “owners”. Thousands of years of a divided society
could conceivably result from this. The final theory is how evolution has come
back upon itself. The “Morlocks” ate the “Eloi”. The “Time Traveler”
saw how humans grew lazy from having no challenges/problems. At some point,
there probably was a time when the classes went below and above ground, but they
all grew so dependant upon the machines to take care of their world that
commerce and politics became obsolete. Then when the machines could not feed
them(Morlocks) anymore, they turned to what is most primal in all of us, the
means to survive via eating whatever(Eloi) is around. In a way, corporations
devour or prey upon the weak whether it be through Marketing or Sales.
Corporations survive off of peoples money, and they will get it from normal
trade or scamming people who seem venerable like “Senior Citizens”. The
future seems to be bleak through the eyes of the “Time Traveler”. The world
is shaped by the fallen ruins of what seems to be a great utopian society. The
irony is that once people are left with no work and no problems, they become
lifeless and weak. They also take it another step to cannibalism when their
mighty machines cannot do all the work for them. It is apparent that the world
we live in is guided and measured by how our technology advances us. Technology
is not an evil thing. It helps us cure new diseases, etc. Our development should
not follow the theory of letting our technology surpass our humanity, but
allowing our humanity to surpass our technology.
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