Essay, Research Paper: Walden By Thoreau And Nature By Emerson


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Transcendentalism is used frequently as main topics in the stories “Nature”
and Walden. These two themes are heavily concentrated on though these two
stories are similar on the aspects of themes, though they differ on the thoughts
of civilization and governments. These two stories also differ in the realms of
creativity in the story. Walden was a story written by Thoreau, which is fairly
similar to the contrasting book “Nature”. Emerson who uses his thoughts on
transcendentalism to play a key role in the story writes “Nature”. Emerson
uses the themes of Nature and God to represent and reflect nature as
transcendentalism. Thoreau stresses the relationship with God and Nature at the
same time. The two themes are used at once to direct the story in the path that
the Thoreau wants it to lead. This is easily shown in the statement, “ In the
woods we return to reason and faith.” Both themes are quite similar though it
is said that Emerson is more creative and imaginative in his way of depicting
the short story as it progresses. The six characteristics of Transcendentalism
stand out in each one of these stories. Both of these stories concentrate on
writing about nature more than anything else. Emerson thought that God was a
personal matter and that the relationship between man and god can only be
embraced and made through man himself. The similarities are so stressed in these
articles it is difficult to see them as contrasting on the elements of themes.
Though the story written by Emerson seems to be more detailed, Thoreau talks
more of living closely with nature and becoming one with the elements around us
and, the utopia that can be created. Both authors use the six characteristics
wisely and their details help the reader identify with what is happening in the
story and to realize that both authors are Transcendentalists. Amazingly enough
the two authors depicted above are known as the two best Transcendentalists in
our history. They use all six of the characteristics with expertise and great
skill, their awesome skills paint a vivid picture for the reader of their
stories. The show us what we can learn from nature and all that it has to show
us about our future, and they do it in such a way that it inspires us to act.
Thus, Emerson and Thoreau are the two greatest transcendentalists authors in our
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