Essay, Research Paper: Air Pollution


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Acid rain is a problem that has plagued earth for years. It is poisoning our
waters, animals, plants, soil, and more. It is a problem that can not be ignored
or it might have catastrophic results on our environment. Acid rain is caused by
air pollution, which is due to man-made actions. Scientists have discovered that
air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels is the major cause of acid rain.
Power plants and factories burn coal and oil, which is used to produce the
electricity we need to heat and light our homes and to run our electric
appliances. We also burn natural gas, coal, and oil to heat our homes, and our
cars, trucks, boats, and airplanes use gasoline to run, which is another fossil
fuel. The smoke and fumes from burning fossil fuels rise into the atmosphere and
combine with the moisture in the air to form acid rain. The main chemicals in
air pollution that create acid rain are sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Acid
rain usually forms high in the clouds where sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
react with water, oxygen, and oxidants. This forms a mild solution of sulfuric
acid and nitric acid. Sunlight then increases the rate of these reactions.
Rainwater, snow, fog, and other forms of precipitation containing those mild
solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids fall to the earth as acid rain. Acid rain
is a much more complex problem then most people realize. Acid rain does not only
drop dangerously high levels of acid into the ground directly affecting wildlife
but it also mixes with other elements and compounds in the earth which then
become harmful to the environment. For example aluminum is one of the most
common metals on earth. It is stored in a combined form with other elements in
the earth. When it is combined it cannot dissolve into the water and soil and
harm the fish and plants. However the acid from acid rain can easily dissolve
the bond between these elements. The Aluminum is then dissolved into a more
soluble state by the acid. Other metals such as copper and iron are similarly
affected however it is the aluminum that is the most common. In this form it is
easily absorbed into the water. When it comes in contact with fish it causes
irritation to the gills. This irritation in turn causes fish to create a film of
mucus in the gills to stop this irritation until the irritant is gone. However
the aluminum does not go always and the fish continues to build up more and more
mucus to counteract it. Eventually there is so much mucus that it clogs the
gills. When this occurs, the fish can no longer breath. It dies and then sinks
to the bottom of the lake. Scientist predict that acid rain is one of the
leading causes the possible extinction of fish. This does not only affect the
fish in the water, it affects everything including humans. These lakes and
streams are not just homes for aqualife but they are our sources of water too.
Another very large problem is the effect of acid rain on trees. When a tree’s
roots absorb water from the ground it is taking in its source of life, and when
acid rain rains around that tree, its life source is poisoned. Tree’s leaves
and needles begin to drop off, and seedlings fail to produce new trees. The acid
also reacts with many nutrients the trees need, such as calcium, magnesium and
potassium. This starves the trees, and they become much more susceptible to
other forms of damage, such as being blown down, or breaking under the weight of
snow. Also forests in high mountain regions receive additional acid from the
acidic clouds and fog that often surround them. These clouds and fog are often
more acidic than rainfall. When leaves are frequently bathed in this acid fog,
their protective waxy coating can wear away. The loss of the coating damages the
leaves and creates brown spots. When the leaves are damaged, they cannot produce
enough food energy for the tree to remain healthy. Acid rain does not only
poison our drinking water, but it is very corrosive. Acid rain is known to
contribute to the corrosion of metals and deterioration of stone and paint in
buildings, statues, and other structures of cultural significance. Human-made
materials gradually deteriorate even when exposed unpolluted rain, but acid rain
accelerates the process. For example, the Capitol building in Ottawa has been
disintegrating because of excess sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere. Limestone and
marble turn to a crumbling substance called gypsum upon contact with the acid,
which explains the corrosion of buildings and statues. In addition, bridges are
corroding at a faster rate, and the railway industries as well as the airplane
industry have had to put more money in repairing the corrosive damage done by
acid rain. Not only is this an economically taxing problem caused by acid rain,
but also a safety hazard to the general public. In 1967 the bridge over the Ohio
River collapsed killing 46 people, the reason was corrosion due to acid rain.
Dry deposition of acidic compounds can also dirty buildings and other
structures, leading to increased maintenance costs. Also, there is growing
concern about the potential health risks associated with acid rain. Recent
reports suggest, for example, that downwind derivatives of sulfur dioxide, known
as acid aerosols, may pose serious health threats throughout the eastern United
States. Inhalation of acid aerosols may lead to bronchitis in children and
decreased lung function in adults, particularly asthmatics. Controlling acid
rain will play an important role in reducing these risks. In Europe there have
already been several birth defects that have been. So what is being done to fix
our problem with acid rain? The EPA or Environmental Protection Agency in 1990
had a clean air law passed. This law is a program designed to significantly
reduce acid rain. The overall goal of the ARP (Acid Rain Program) is to achieve
significant environmental and public health benefits through reductions in
emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX), the primary causes
of acid rain. The program encourages energy efficiency and pollution prevention.
The Acid Rain Program began with the reduction of SO2 emissions by 10 million
tons below the 1980 levels. To achieve these reductions, the law requires a
two-phase tightening of the restrictions placed on fossil fuel-fired power
plants. Phase 1 began in 1995 and has had very positive results. Phase 2 is
scheduled to start in the year 2000. The Acid Rain Program’s other half was
the reduction of NOX. Program focuses on one set of sources that emit NOX,
coal-fired electric utility boilers, the same as the SO2 program. Similar to the
SO2 emission reduction requirements, the NOX program is implemented in two
phases, beginning in 1996 and 2000. This program puts very strict limitations on
these boilers. The problem of acid rain can not only be fixed by putting
limitations on these huge boilers, this just slows down the process of the
destruction acid rain does. The only way to stop burning these electric utility
burners is to find a way to replace them. That is why scientists the world over
have been looking for alternative sources of power. There are other sources of
energy besides fossil fuels. These include hydroelectric power and nuclear
power. Dams use the power of water to turn turbines and make electricity. People
have been using this form of energy for most of this century. Nuclear power
plants make electricity from the energy released by splitting atoms. A small
amount of nuclear fuel can make a very large amount of electricity. There are
problems with using hydroelectric and nuclear power. Hydroelectric plants
require a constant source of water. Since rainfall is not always predictable,
hydroelectric plants are not as reliable as those using coal or oil are.
Hydroelectric plants can also harm the environment. Thousands of acres of land
often have to be flooded to create a reservoir, a holding place for the great
amounts of water needed to power these plants. Sometimes the land that would be
flooded is home to rare types of plants or animals. Nuclear power plants produce
electricity cheaply. But the nuclear waste they leave remains dangerous for
thousands of years. Scientists are looking at other energy sources, such as
windmills and solar energy, using the power of the sun itself. In several
states, there are modern windmills like airplane propellers that make energy
from the wind. In other places, wind power pumps water from the ground. In
Arizona and New Mexico, solar energy is at work making electric power. Each of
these sources has drawbacks as well. Windmills and solar panels are reliable
only where it is windy or sunny most of the time. All sources of energy have
benefits and limitations, including the cost of producing the energy. All of
these factors must be weighed when deciding which energy source to use. Thus, it
is seen that the rectification of the very pressing issue of acid rain should be
one of Mankind’s greatest goals. There are too many possible solutions and
alternatives to endanger the world with this dangerous risk to humanity’s
environment, buildings and accomplishments, and water supply. Through even more
litigation and law enforcement, and the many other alternative solutions, the
Earth can be saved from this severe threat.
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