Essay, Research Paper: Bioterrorism


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You wake up early for work and kiss your family goodbye. On your daily transit
you see a man drop a glass vial in the subway, but you think nothing of it.
Moments later you become a statistic. A statistic of Bioterrorism. The threat of
Bioterrorism, long ignored and denied, has heightened over the past years and
needs to be publicly addressed. There are three possible solutions to this
threat that are within grasp. The first of which would be a nation wide
vaccination against all agents that could be used against the American public.
Second, we could educate people to more efficiently spot the symptoms of such an
act, or to protect themselves from an act that has already taken place. The last
solution would be to prevent the act from occurring, detect it as soon as it
occurs, and destroy the destructive pathogen used. Even with all of these
solutions, an act of Bioterrorism is an major threat to the united states that
could occur undetected and must be dealt with immediately in order to save
lives. Biological warfare has been used from the cadavers poisoning water
supplies, to modern technology allowing munitions, and advanced deployment of
biological weapons. Both nations, and dissident groups exist that have some of
the most dangerous, and deadly pathogens, along with the ability to deploy them.
Bioterrorism presents a threat to all people of the world, and will always
remain a threat for three main reasons. One, it is very easy for anyone to
obtain samples of harmful agents, such as anthrax or small pox. Two, An act of
this terrorism could occur at any time, any place, and there would be no
reaction for days or weeks. And third, many of the agents that can be used in
such acts have no treatments, let alone cures. If a group, or nation had funding
and a moderate laboratory they could produce, and deploy some of the worlds
deadliest pathogens undetected. For example, in 1995, the Japanese cult, Aum
Shinrikyo, released the nerve gas Sarnin in the Tokyo subway . The cult also had
other plans set up. In its arsenal police found large quantities of nutrient
media, Botulium culture, anthrax cultures, and drone aircraft equipped with
spray tanks. Members of this group have even traveled to Zaire in 1992 to obtain
samples of the Ebola virus. Terrorist groups exist today that have a large
quantity of diseases, chemicals, and viruses to choose from. Information on how
to culture and obtain such things is available on the Internet. Deadlier samples
of such viruses, as small pox, and even Ebola, may be just at the fingertips of
major terrorist groups. After the cold war a Russian Bioweapons facility,
Vector, became a high concern . Before the cold war, vector was a 4000 person,
30 building facility with an ample Biosaftey level 4 laboratory. The laboratory
housed the small pox virus, as well as work on the deadly Ebola virus, Marbug,
and the hemorrhagic fever viruses . Any viewpoint you look at it from
disgruntled person, terrorist cult, and Nation, Obtaining samples of these
cultures isn’t whether you want it, it when you want it. If a terrorist group
did happen to obtain these weapons, which is likely, using it is even easier. If
a person were to drop a light bulb full of Anthrax spores in the New York
subway, it could kill thousands, to hundreds of thousands of people . The agents
anthrax, plague, brucellosis, small pox, viral encephalitis, and viral
hemorrhagic fevers are of particular concern. They are relatively easy and
inexpensive to produce, cause death or disabling disease, and can be aerosolized
and distributed over large geographic areas. These agents can be released in
small amounts, without anyone knowing for days or weeks, and can infect hundreds
of thousands of people and cause many deaths. The most sever threat of
Bioterrorism Is the fact that for many of the agents used, there are no
treatments developed, and no cures. We are ill prepared to cope with a terrorist
attack that uses biological weapons. In counter terrorism efforts, the focus
lies mostly with chemical, or explosive weapons. A chemical release or a major
explosion is a lot more manageable than a biological attack posed by Anthrax, or
small pox. After an explosion or a chemical attack, the worst effects are over
quickly. The extent of the damage can be assessed, deaths and injuries tolled,
and efforts to rebuild and recover can get underway. With the use of small pox
or Anthrax, day after day, additional cases could be expected, and in new areas
. Finding ways to effectively fight back against Bioterrorism is difficult. The
first viable solution would be a nation wide vaccination against the most likely
agents to be used in Bioweapons. If such a campaign were to take place then
incidents involving pathogens against which people were immune to would,
obviously, have no effect on the economy. This would be the main purpose for our
Nation to employ a vaccination plan. However, there are several drawbacks to
this plan. First of all, if our nation were to evoke this strategy it would take
a mass effort to make all of the vaccines, decide which ones were worth giving,
and getting the materials, and specialists to make the vaccines. Having several
vaccines for every US citizen would be nearly impossible, and cost tax payers a
large amount of money. Also, cults, or nations would constantly be producing
new, or mutated strains that we would have to develop vaccines to. we would be
in a constant game of catch-up. Relentlessly trying to figure out with what
would come up next. Many doctors today haven’t even seen a case of anthrax or
small pox, and even if they did, it is unlikely they would be able to
efficiently diagnose the symptoms . This problem needs to be fixed. Establishing
a plan to educate doctors, nurses, policeman, and firemen. If a scenario
occurred involving the outbreak of small pox on US soil, it’s almost certain
that the act would go unnoticed until a characteristic rash appeared on the
victims 9 to 10 days later. Most of the doctors present wouldn’t be able to
diagnose the symptoms, and it would be several more days until the diagnosis was
confirmed. By that time, the virus would have been passed to countless other
victims, it would be to late. The ability to adequately educate people to
promptly respond to an act could be the difference between a hundred deaths, to
hundreds of thousands of deaths. If emergency room doctors were taught the
symptoms of such cases then it would be more likely to be caught earlier. If
firefighters, and policeman were taught to recognize an act at the scene, then
it could be stopped even earlier, preventing even more human loss. Anyway you
look at it, The early detection of an act of Bioterrorism will save lives. The
last solution would be to "prevent, detect, and destroy". This is a
combination of many ideas I presented earlier. This combination would include
vaccination, education, and response. Because military, doctors, police, and
firemen are all vital to a city, they would be given vaccines to the few most
likely pathogens to be used. This act would put a safety net around the
functions of any city, without putting strenuous strain on the economy. The
second part, education, would involve all of the steps I described earlier. This
would help us detect the occurrence of an outbreak quickly in order to do the
third part, destroy. This step is very critical, and important. After we have
determined that there was an outbreak, then we must act as quickly as possible
to quarantine, and destroy the harmful agent. In order to accomplish this we
need a surplus of vaccines for civilian distribution. A network of laboratories
capable of the need in an outbreak, and a far better group of trained
epidemiologists, clinicians, and researchers. This solution would let us prevent
an act from occurring, Detect it quickly, and them nullify the harmful agent as
soon as possible. In my opinion, the best way to fight Bioterrorism would be to
"prevent, detect, and destroy". Going into depths on this topic, we
can see that it provides us with two lines of defense, the prevent, and the
destroy. However, the detect is vital part of this plan. Prevention has two
meanings behind it. It implies that we prevent an incident from occurring all
together. but it could also mean that we would not be effected by the pathogen
used against us. The main thing to do is prevent a terrorist act from occurring
is to highly regulate the use of harmful agents. Restricting who, and how much
could have deadly diseases, where it goes, and what it’s used for. Only
letting high class viruses such as Ebola into high level security laboratories.
If this were to take place, people of threat would have a more difficult time
obtaining these cultures. The second thing to do would be educating policeman to
spot acts at the scene of the crime. This would allow us to confine the outbreak
to a small area earlier, and have a much easier time destroying it. Also
educating our doctors to recognize cases earlier would keep the casualties down.
Prevention of a Bioweapons act is the main goal, but if it fails we must have a
backup plan. Once it has been determined that a biological weapon has been used,
confining the area of the occurrence is vital, this prevents the virus from
spreading. No one in the confined area should be allowed to leave, and people
entering must be protected with proper equipment. In order to help effectively
do this we need to establish a local, regional , and national disease control
system. The local system would be responsible to identify the specific virus,
and determine the quarantine area. Once this has been done, the regional team
would come in and enforce the quarantine area, and also start a standard
treatment for those patients. Once this has been done, the national team would
start to determine a more specific treatment, and attempt to develop a cure. If
no cure can be found, then the area shall be destroyed by any means necessary to
eliminate the harmful agent, and maintain safety. If an outbreak did occur, then
we shall do whatever it takes to minimize human life, without the cost of many.
Bioterrorism represents a clear and present danger to the united states. Out of
All the solutions I gave, if nothing is done, then it is not if an act will
occur, but when it will occur. Bioterrorism has already happened, and will
continue to until we do something about it. In order to do about it we must
instigate a plan of nation wide vaccination, education, or prevent detect
destroy. If nothing is done, then one day on your way to work you could become a
statistic, a statistic of Bioterrorism.
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