Essay, Research Paper: Herbicide


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Crop management is a vigorous activity that changes as technologies are
developed. Now that were in the new millennium, we are finding new and enhanced
ways to improve things that effect us in our everyday lives like, industrial
pollution, car pollution, waste management, and also the advancement in
herbicide-tolerant crops. Much advancement have been taking place to make our
crops better and safer to eat without damaging crops from herbicides, a chemical
that destroys grass and weeds. This technology has opened a door in the genetic
planting of crops all over the U.S. Companies are creating new ways to grow
crops without the weeds that seem to be carrying chemicals that are affecting
crops like, corn, potatoes, and soybeans. There is controversy with genetically
altered foods due to the low percentage of facts and a lot of risks that go
along with this process of this engineering. Over the past five years scientists
have been trying to genetically modify foods, and crops by removing and adding
certain genes. This process gives them a greater shelf life and keeps the
vegetables from bruising when in transit, according to GM's proposal on the
Internet. They also inform that the crops are less likely to loose their color
and more importantly, retain more of their nutrients. In my opinion this gives
the consumer a better product and reduces the amount of waste for the producers
and retailers. Another benefit mentioned was that it is good for the consumers
who need proteins, which are vital for their diets. GM states, "Proteins
vital to our diets can be added to foods which don't ordinarily contain them,
which is important for people lacking them." This advancement seems to have
others interested as well, even doctors. Experimenting with DNA, genes, and
cells helps research human DNA and ultimately, the cures for disease. In Texas,
scientists have found a chemical compound in the plant borage that produces
gamma linolenic acid, which reduces heart attacks caused by cholesterol. This
gene they can be transferred into crops that produce oils in foods such as
margarine and ice cream, consequently making these fatty foods healthier and
safer. This advancement in technology also has people doubtful on what these
companies are doing to mother nature. According to the Health and Consumer
Protection Agency, genetically engineered food seems to have problems that they
seem to believe is important to our health and safety. Genetically engineered
foods containing genes resulting from bacteria and viruses are now starting to
appear in shops, containing fish and animal genes, without consumer knowledge of
what's in the food that they are eating. To the Health and Consumer Protection
agency, this promotes a problem that should be reviewed. Informing the public
about what is being processed in the food is very important because it could
prevent someone from getting sick from whatever gene he or she is allergic to.
Because living organisms are highly complex, genetic engineers cannot possibly
predict what the effects of these genes will do when placed into foods or
vegetables. Scientists believe that bacteria will cause sickness to someone's
health due to the complex genes of plants and animals. In my research I have
found out that scientists who make genetically engineered food are in the right
direction, but need more facts on what happens when you put plant and animal
genes in foods. To me, this does not pose an immediate threat toward our health,
but I do think that a label should be placed on any package on any genetically
engineered product. I think what GM is doing is a great idea if it helps us find
out more about our DNA and what genes can cure a disease for someone who is in
need of a cure. This type of advancement has good motives for making better,
long lasting food. If you look at all the benefits from what genetically
engineered food brings, it seems to cancel all the risks that are involved in
this process. Even though we haven't quite perfected this new technology, we
still must look at what it does for science medicine and the study of human DNA.
I think this is a great idea as long as the consumers safety is looked out very

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