Essay, Research Paper: China


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China takes 25% of the earth's population; 1,210,004,956. Chinese people are
permitted to chose what they grow on their small plots, to set their own prices
and to pocket their profits without paying any taxes. Free Markets, is a big
world in China: it refers to designated areas in the city where farmers are
allowed to sell their products directly to city consumers. The government is no
longer involved in growing, distribution or price setting. The system operates
on supply and demand in private marketplace. Chinese people eat, dress, look
better. China has the worlds biggest population, it has a fast economy. Dum
Champagne, is a Chinese millionaire. Champagne started his business by 200 US
dollars, he started a womans clothes shop. He bought a used sewing machine.
Clothes only came in certain colors like blue, gray, white and green, but
Champagne changed all this. Women liked the colorful, stylish type of clothes he
made. This great investment took thinking, and risk. He also added a restaurant
he was also afraid he could fail. Champagne graduated in the class of 1966 which
was called the "Old Pre Class." Through 1966-19968 this young adults
and younger children were sent to the other side of the country. They were left
at the country side with no food. Farmers had limited land, and they only
provided for so many people and if you went there you were only added to their
barden. Young Chinese worked with peasants . The Chinese labor force is
estimated at more that 527 million people. Unemployment and underemployment have
caused labor productivity and income to de depressed, problems direcly linked to
the large size and rapid growth rate of the population. In the early 1980's
about one third of the population was 15 years of age or younger; this
guarantees that a large number of young people will enter the labor force each
year. Although about 60 percent of the labor force consists of agricultural
workers, the government's job allocation program does not include rural areas,
and here new labor has to be absorbed by the collective and the individual
household economy. The rural family is estimated to receive three-quarters of
the income from the collective economy and the remainder from sideline
activities. According to the constitution of 1982, China is socialist
dictatorship of the proletariat led by the Communist party and based on a united
front that includes other democratic parties. In practice, The Communist party
fully demonstrates national political activity. The Chinese Communist party has
more than 52 million members and is the world's largest Communist party. The
party held its first National Party Congress in 1921, when it had only 57
members. China has had an organized government since the establishment of the
Shang Dynasty about 1726 BC, making it the one of the oldest nations on earth.
Chinese people have economic freedom- economic destinies, The government used to
control everything. It controlled what they bough, read, where they lived.
Technology has also played a big roll in China. Computers is helping their
economic power. China is a big country that keeps growing while people work.

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