Essay, Research Paper: Hurricanes


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Hurricanes get their start over the warm tropical waters of the North Atlantic
Ocean near the equator. Most hurricanes appear in late summer or early fall,
when sea temperatures are at their highest. The warm waters heats the air above
it, and the updrafts of warm, moist air begin to rise. Day after day the fluffy
cumuli form atop the updrafts. But the cloud tops rarely rise higher than about
6,000 feet. At that height in the tropics, there is usually a layer of warm, dry
air that acts like an invisible ceiling or lid. Once in a while, something
happens in the upper air that destroys this lid. Scientist don not know how this
happens. But when it does, it's the first step in the birth of a hurricane. With
the lid off, the warm, moist air rises higher and higher. Heat energy, released
as the water vapor in the air condenses. As it condenses it drives the upper
drafts to heights of 50,000 to 60,000 feet. The cumuli become towering
thunderheads. From outside the storm area, air moves in over the sea surface to
replace the air soaring upwards in the thunderheads. The air begins swirling
around the storm center, for the same reason that the air swirls around a
tornado center. As this air swirls in over the sea surface, it soaks up more and
more water vapour. At the storm center, this new supply of water vapor gets
pulled into the thunderhead updrafts, releasing still more energy as the water
vapor condenses. This makes the updrafts rise faster, pulling in even larger
amounts of air and water vapor from the storm's edges. And as the updrafts speed
up, air swirls faster and faster around the storm center. The storm clouds,
moving with the swirling air, form a coil. In a few days the hurricane will have
grown greatly in size and power. The swirling shape of the winds of the
hurricane is shaped like a dough-nut. At the center of this giant
"dough-nut" is a cloudless, hole usually having a radius of 10 miles.
Through it, the blue waters of the ocean can be seen. The hurricane's wind speed
near the center of the hurricane ranges from 75 miles to 150 miles per hour. The
winds of a forming hurricane tend to pull away from the center as the wind speed
increases. When the winds move fast enough, the "hole" developes. This
hole is the mark of a full-fledge hurricane. The hole in the center of the
hurricane is called the "eye" of the hurricane. Within the eye, all is
calm and peaceful. But in the cloud wall surrounding the eye, things are very
different. Although hurricane winds do not blow as fast as tornado winds, a
hurricane is far more destructive. That's because tornado winds cover only a
small area, usually less than a mile across. A hurricane's winds may cover an
area 60 miles wide out from the center of the eye. Another reason is tornadoes
rarely last as long as an hour, or travel more than 100 miles. However , a
hurricane may rage for a week or more (example: Hurricane Dorthy) In that time,
it may travel tens of thousands of miles over the sea and land. At sea,
hurricane winds whip up giant waves up to 20 feet high. Such waves can tear
freighters and other oceangoing ships in half. Over land, hurricane winds can
uproot trees, blow down telephone lines and power lines, and tear chimneys off
rooftops. The air is filled with deadly flying fragments of brick, wood, and
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