Essay, Research Paper: Italy


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Italy, is a boot shaped country in south-south eastern Europe. Italy, also known
as the Italian Republic, is one of the seven most industrialized countries in
the world. This lineup includes: United States, Russia, Germany, England, Japan,
China and Italy. Italy is about the size of North Carolina and it has a
population of around thirty-seven million people as of 1991. An interesting fact
about the population of Italy is that it is neither growing nor shrinking.
During the last decade, Italy's population hasn't exceeded a .9% increase or
decrease in population. Of the 37 million inhabitants of Italy, many work as
farmers, and factory workers. Climate The climate of Italy is mild. Along the
coastal areas, there is a long hot summer, with a short mild, and windy winter.
Italy much of the time is cold and wet especially in the winter. The yearly
average temperature is 40 degrees. Main Industries/Resources Italy is a highly
productive and industrialized country. Some main industries are as follows:
food, mining, and manufacturing. Starting with food, is probley Italy's most
recognizable industry. Italians are known for producing a fine, fresh meal, with
much care taken to top quality ingredients. Italians grow the world's best olive
trees. That is why much of the world's olive oil is exported from Italy. Half of
Italy's farmland is occupied by grapes. Much of the world's finest vine comes
from the vineyards of Italy. Since Italy is on the coast of the Mediterranean
Sea,very good fishing results. Tomatoes, soybean, and other vegetables are also
grown in Italy. Italy is also a successful mining nation. Mining includes:
stone, marble, sulfur, mercury, natural gas, and limestone. Italy has a large
abundance of limestone and marble, as most structures remain from Rome's glory
years. These resources are non-renewable, since they cannot be replenished.
Others, mentioned before such as tomatoes, olive and grapes are renewable
resources of Italy. Another important industry of Italy is manufacturing. Italy
produces a wide abundance of chemicals, textiles and machines. Italy is the
world's top developer in clothing. Top designers such as Armani, and Valentino
are among the most prestigious names in the clothing industry. The world's best
cars are produced in Italy. Ferrari, which is based in Marenello Italy is the
world's best automaker. Also included in Italy's manufacturing system is Fiat,
Lamborghini and Maserati. Italy is also Europe's largest tire maker. Pirelli
Tyre Co. makes the finest tires in the world. Italy is also one of the world's
largest railroad car and track manufacturer. Italy exports 36% more goods than
what is imported in to the country. Interesting Points Some interesting facts on
Italy is that it is 116,300 square miles. That makes it a fairy large country
for Europe. The average length of life in Italy is seventy-three for men, and
seventy-nine for women. Italy was once under the dictatorship of Benito
Mussolini, the Italian dictator with ties to Adolf Hitler. The crime rate is
fairly low in Italy, but an organized crime group called the "Mafia"
has led an underground life of crime. Some Italian Mafia "bosses"
conduct business in America. In Italian lifestyles, and they also have a
different way of eating. If you are invited to eat at somebody's house, you must
finish the meal. Otherwise you are considered rude. Economic System I feel Italy
has a moderate command economy because while the government does have much
control over what can be traded, the citizens have an abundance of ways to
produce their own goods. This allows for a lot of small business entrepreneurs,
and keeps the economy not so controlled by government.

Social Structure in Italy: Crisis of a System, Acquaviva, Santino, and
Santuccio, Mario, (1976) -World in View, Italy, Barbara Walsh Angelillo 1991
Steck-Vaughn Co.

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