Essay, Research Paper: Capital Punishment


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it meeting its objectives? Is capital punishment meeting its objectives? Capital
punishment is being applied to deter crimes that involve homicides and to punish
the criminals who commit such crimes. Capital Punishment is not carrying out
their intentions in a positive form. On the contrary, Capital Punishment is
putting many criminals to rest in ways in which many consider to be an atrocity.
Society understands that criminals have to be punished for their crimes, but
should they be punished by such crucial means that occasionally give a negative
impact to the public. This document will relate to, how the system of capital
punishment gives the wrong idea to the public, why evidence shows that
deterrence doesn’t have a huge role in homicide crimes now in days, how does
the system of capital punishment give a negative concept on certain points, how
discrimination also applies in the system of capital punishment, how does the
system of capital punishment, in a certain way, breaks the rights of humans.
This paper will prove that capital punishment is not meeting its goals and
objectives. The system of capital punishment gives the wrong idea to the public
including the young minds of children. Justice occasionally asks for homicide
crimes to be paid for by death, using the phrase “paid for”, which gives two
ideas. One, paying with his or her life as if the criminal is debt with the law
stating that it is acceptable to murder a person if the person is in debt with
someone. Two, showing a sign of revenge as in saying: “I’ll make you suffer
for that”(Hugo 272). Capital Punishment provides, to the eye of the public
including children, an idea that revenge is not an evil or terrible action. This
idea goes against the morals that parents and society has given to children and
to themselves as well. This picture of revenge can cause any person in society
to kill another person because of revenge. These ideas that the system of
capital punishment give to society help in every day atrocities. Most homicides
that young teenagers commit, that deal with their partner, are proven to be an
act of revenge because one cheated on the other. Not necessarily homicides have
to be committed to show an act of revenge, for example: if a kid accidentally
trips another than the other kid does the same for revenge. Deterrence is one of
the principles of capital punishment, but evidence shows that deterrence
doesn’t have a huge role in homicides now in days. Take this scenario into
consideration: Two men get into an argument while drinking, and one pulls a gun
and shoots the other, who dies. Do we suppose that this killer is even aware of
the punishment for murder when he acts? Would he be deterred by the prospect of
capital punishment but be willing to shoot if the punishment were only 20 years
or life in prison (Hugo 273)? The idea of deterrence with the system of capital
punishment is meant to give the idea that if you kill some one you will be
killed as well, so keep from letting it happen. This fear has an effect on
society every day in ways that aren’t obvious. In some homicide cases,
evidence shows that the killer had intentions of dieing himself and also wanted
to take another person’s life with him so that they could arrive at purgatory
together. In most cases of unpremeditated homicides, the idea of deterrence has
absolutely no effect on the action of the killer. The system of capital
punishment gives a negative concept on certain points. Theoretically the system
of capital punishment takes a person’s life because he or she took another
person’s life. This gives the perfect image of “a life for a life” (Hugo
275). By applying the death penalty to a killer they are punishing a murderer
with murder giving the idea that it is all right to be a hypocrite. The system
of Capital Punishment does not compensate for or erase those crimes that were
committed. Death penalty has been applied to innocent people convicted of
homicide. This states that it is all right to punish the innocent.
Discrimination also applies in the system of capital punishment in certain
forms. Money can have an impact in trials that are using capital punishment as a
penalty for the convicted. Persons are sentenced to death and executed not
because they have been found to be uncontrollably violent or hopelessly poor
confinement and release risks. Instead, they are executed because they have a
poor defense at trial (Dwyer and McNally 354). A criminal with good
representation has a better chance to receive years instead of capital
punishment. A person of a poverty class might not be capable, economically, to
provide himself or herself a good lawyer. The state provides them with a lawyer
that in most cases is not very good for the reason that he or she doesn’t care
to lose or win the trial. Most cases, that death penalty has been applied, has
confirmed that black male rapist (especially if the victim is a white female)
are far more likely to be sentenced to death penalty than white male rapist.
Discrimination is also applied to murders that have mental problems. Criminals
who have mental disorders are actually not criminals at all because it’s not
their fault. Criminals who have mental disorders are sometimes sentenced to the
death penalty not knowing that they are mentally disordered. The system of
capital punishment, in a certain way, breaks the rights of humans listed in The
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The Constitution, and the Bible, by
deliberately depriving him or her life in cold-blooded murder. The right to life
is the most fundamental right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Humans
Rights and is guaranteed as such in our Constitution. The death penalty is
premeditate and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state which can
exercise no greater power over a person than that of deliberately depriving him
or her of life (“Campaign for Abolition of Death Penalty”). In article 51 A
of the United States’ Constitution guaranties the right of life to the people
in the United States. The Bible states that every human has the right to live
equal to every other person in the world. In conclusion, the intentions that the
system of capital punishment is supposed to enforce are not being enforced in a
way that is helpful to society. This research paper has proven how the system of
capital punishment gives the wrong idea to the public. It has also proven why
evidence shows that deterrence doesn’t have a huge role in homicides now in
days, as well as how does the system of capital punishment give a negative
concept on certain points. This research paper has also proven how
discrimination also applies in the system of capital punishment. It has also
proven how does the system of capital punishment, in a certain way, breaks the
rights of humans. All these points show how capital punishment does not
accomplish its purpose in a positive form.

“Capital Punishment”, Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. 1999ed.
Dwyer, Diane and McNally, Roger, “Public Policy, Prison Industries, and
Business: An Equitable Balance for the 1990’s” Federal probation, June 1993:
30-36 SIRS Knowledge Source: Researcher 10 Feb. 2000
Haag, Van Den Ernest, “The Ultimate Punishment: A Defense,” in Harvard Law
Review (May 1986), reprinted in: Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial
in Moral Issues, 280-287 Hugo, Adam Bedau, “Capital Punishment” in Tom Regan
ed., Matters of Life and Death, 2d ed. (Random House, 1986), Reprinted in:
Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial in Moral Issues, 274-279 Isay,
David. “No. 587.” New York Times Magazine, January 2, 2000 page: 34-36, 2
Pages. Rozen, Leah. “Mr. Death, The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leucher, Jr.”
People Weekly, New York, January 31, 2000 Volume 53 Issue 4: page 32, 1 page.
Staletovich, Jenny, “Justice Raising Voice to Bury Death Penalty” January
19, 1998
Stapleton, Christine, “Death Penalty Cases with High Price” March 31,1996
Tonry, Micheal, “Reconsidering Indeterminate and structured Sentencing”
Sentencing & Corrections Issues for the 21st, Sept. 1999:1-10, SIRS
Knowledge Source: Researcher: 10 Feb. 2000

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