Essay, Research Paper: Marfan Syndrome


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Marfans syndrome is a disorder of connective tissue. Marfans syndrome effects
the skeleton, lungs, eyes, heart, and blood vessels. It can also effect men and
women of any race or ethnic group. Marfans can have fatal consequences and
outcomes. It effects one out of every thousand. Marfans syndrome damages the
cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and ocular systems of a patient. Without proper
diagnosis and treatment, a person’s life with Marfans syndrome could become
endangered. Dr. Antoice Marfan discovered Marfans syndrome in 1896. Through the
years the technology to increase the life expectancy of its patients has grown.
It is the most common inherited disorder. Marfan syndrome is an autosomal
dominant disorder that affects the connective tissue. The connective tissue is
the most abundant tissue in the body. It supports and protects many other
tissues in the body. It is a vital component of all organs and gives strength to
blood vessels. Marfan syndrome is linked to FBN1 gene on chromosome 15.6
Chromosome 15 contains a gene that codes for type I collagen receptors, cardiac
and muscle actin.4 FBN1 encodes a protein. The protein is called fibrillin. This
is essential for the formation of elastic fibers, which are located in the
connective tissues.6 A decrease production of fibrillin causes the gene to
mutate.4 Thirty percent of cases arise from the new mutation of the gene.1 Since
fibirllin is present in so many structures of the body, clinical research of the
disease varies with each structure.4 The degeneration of the elastin leads to
aortic dilation or enlargement.1 Marfan syndrome’s symptoms are mostly related
with the heart. As a child, a marfan child’s heart appears to grow normally.
As time goes by the aortic root dilation is common and there is a rapid increase
in aortic size. This causes an increase in heart complications. Marfan’s
patients have to undergo multiple and extensive surgeries. Doctors have to treat
many heart problems with marfan patients. One is the treatment of ascending
aortic aneurysm. This is an enlarging sac that is formed by local enlargement of
the wall of the aortic artery. Another surgery used in treating this disorder is
the replacing of a totally new aortic root with a composite valve. Marfan
patient’s heart undergoes valve prolapse and regurgitation. Regurgitation is
the backward flow of the blood. This can be due to an imperfect closure of the
heart valve. Another heart problem with Marfan patients is the dilation of the
left ventricle. This can result in heart failure.1 [Beta]-blocker therapy have
shown to slow the aortic dilation and prevent aortic dissection.5 The use of
medication has lowered the arterial pressure, regular aortic imaging, and
elective aortic repair of the heart. It also lowers blood pressure. The
medication has prolonged the life expectancy of a Marfan patient by twenty-five
years.3 A Marfan patient should follow the “Three Goals of Medical
Management.” The first goal is to “prevent serious aortic complications by
minimizing aortic wall stress.” The patient needs to avoid any stress. They
should also avoid extensive exercise that could put more stress on their heart.
Pregnancy for a Marfan patient is considered a “high risk.” Pregnancy puts a
demand on the cardiovascular system. Pregnant woman with Marfan syndrome should
have an echocardiography every six weeks until birth of the baby. The second
goal is to “prevent bacterial endocarditis.” Patients should be provided
with antibodies which helps control high-risk bacterial endocarditis. The third
goal is to “detect cardiovascular manifestations early.” The sooner that it
is detected the better chance of surviving and complications.5 Cardiovascular
complications is the most leading cause of death among Marfan patients. Among
cardiovascular complications, it is the aortic dissection or rupture that causes
patients to die3. The reason for a decrease in life is caused by the progressive
dilation of the aortic root and ascending aorta. This causes weakness of the
blood vessels. The weakness leads to the aortic valve regurgitation and aortic
dissection. Eighty percent of adults have aortic enlargements. Symptoms
associated with aortic dissection are pain in the front or back of chest, or the
abdomen. The pain is a severe midline pain. Small dissections of the aorta may
be painless or unnoticeable.4 Despite the incredible improvements in the
procedure to prolong life for Marfan patients, about fifty percent of the
patients still require re-operation. The prognosis of Marfan syndrome disease
has improved. In 1972 Dr. Murdoch and his colleges reported a mean age of death
of thirty-two years. The cause of death was aortic complications. In 1993, the
mean age of death from Marfan syndrome was forty-one years. As time goes by the
life expectancy of patients increase with studies1. Skeletal changes in a Marfan
patient is the most obvious symptom to recognize. A Marfan patient has long thin
fingers, long limbs, and tall structure, funnel chest, pigeon breast, rib
deformities from bone overgrowth, and a high arched narrow palate. Skeletal
problems are the most noticeable and easier to detect.4 Their arm span exceeds
over normal. The procedure for the surgery of a protruding or indented chest
involves putting a curved rod through the chest and under the sternum and ribs.
The new surgery is successful and very promising. The muscles in the body lack
elasticity, which holds ligaments and muscles together. Often Marfan patients
dislocate their arms, legs, hips, and fingers.7 A decrease in microfibrilis
effects bone growth. This is the result of long and misshapen bones. There are
many methods of detecting Marfans. One method is the wrist sign of Walker and
Murdoch. The thumb and little finger overlap when they are wrapped around the
opposite wrist. Another method is the Steinberg thumb sign. This is when the
thumb extends beyond the ulnar edge of the clenched fist.4 Flat feet of Marfan
patients can be very painful and makes walking difficult. People have totally
collapsed arches in their feet. Most people have to use crutches to walk and
maneuver. Marfan patients lose their elasticity to their ligaments. The
ligaments create the arch that holds the foot upright. Marfan patients tend to
have flat feet due to their ligaments. They dislocate their feet and when they
get older. Their collagen breaks down which only creates more problems. The
treatment for the feet is to shorten the ligaments.7 People with Marfan undergo
extensive ocular problems. The ocular changes include subluxed or dislocated
lenses4. The lens of the eyes can become dislocated. The ligaments that holds
the lens capsule together are called “zonules.” The zonules start breaking.
The lens slips or dislocates. Marfans may cause a person to have cataracts. Some
other common symptoms of Marfans are glaucoma, myopia, astigmatisms, cataracts,
and retinal detachments.7 The diagnosis of ocular changes is by the age of five.
Patients that have dislocated lenses may have retinal detachment. This is when
the “globe of the eye becomes elongated and the cornea is flat.” Bilateral
dislocated lenses are displaced superiorly. People with Marfan undergo crucial
eye problems for the rest of their lives. Marfans damages many parts of the eyes
and causes many problems to people’s sight.4 Based on some studies, it was
thought that Marfan patients have an increase in aneurysms. After many clinical
series and clinical reports, and autopsy, researchers concluded that this
statement was negative. Out of about twenty- five autopsy cases, one case showed
an unruptured aneurysm dialatation. Three patients suffered hemorrhages but
tested negative for aneurysms. Since only one patient out of the twenty- five
showed an intracranial aneurysm, it has been concluded to be not statistically
correct. In the end, research concluded that there is no evidence that Marfan
patients are associated with an increased prevalence of intracranial aneurysms.2
Today there is no present cure for the Marfan syndrome. For years the studies to
improve diagnosis and surgery have increased. Life expectancy for patients has
increased as the years go by. The National Marfan Foundation is an organization
that gets the word out about this unknown syndrome. The foundation helps raise
money for future studies and gives information to Marfan patients. Many people
fight the battle of Marfan syndrome. It affects three very important parts of
the body. It affects the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and ocular system of
the body. Because marfan is a disorder that affects the connective tissues most
of the body is therefore damaged. As time goes by the fight for a cure
increases. One day technology and the determination of scientist will find a
cure for Marfan syndrome.
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