Essay, Research Paper: Mental Health


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1. Healthy Relationships- Being in an abusive relationship can be very hard on a
person. Being in a healthy relationship can be rewarding and fun. In a healthy
relationship you must have many things, trust is one, don’t be jealous and
share your feelings. It involves fair fighting, no hitting, pushing or grabbing,
arguments should focus on hear and now. Things of an abusive relationship are,
like physically abused, being slammed in to things, or being forced to stay,
when you want to leave, and wrecking or destroying personal property. Emotional
abuse is also used in unhealthy relationships. Telling you no one else will want
you don’t care for your feelings. If you want your relationship to be healthy
always include “I” messages. Effective communication and always confront him
or her when something is wrong. 2. Personal Inventories- Something’s I learned
about personal inventories is people may be assertive, passive or aggressive.
Being Assertive means trying to seek a compromise with the person your talking
to. Being passive is well you really don’t care, and you’ll give in easily
to other people and you listen well but don’t say anything back to the person.
Being aggressive means you always want it your way, always not listening to
others and when other people are talking they usually interrupt them and
forcefully put in their own words. 3. Suicide- Suicide is the act of intention
all taking one’s life. Things that cause suicide might be the rising Divorce
rate, increased use of alcohol, pressure to succeed in school and troubled
families. Some possible warning signs of suicide are depression, giving away
prized possessions, writing a will, and prior attempts. You can help one person
by trying to talk to them, and ask what are wrong, and making jokes. 4. Coping
with loss- Coping with loss can be very hard on a person. They might blame
themselves or say a cure will be developed.

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