Essay, Research Paper: Organ Donor


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Ever since organ donation became a way of saving lives, there has been a
shortage of organ donators. Attempts are being made to solve the organ donor
shortage by meeting the bereaved family’s needs. Aspects of the grieving
process are considered in attempts to reconcile the need of donated organs and
lessen the trauma to the family of asking for the organ donation. Factors that
influence the experience of grief for the family are examined in an attempt to
lessen the pain. Many factors affect how bereaved individuals will respond to a
loss. The loss is not always immediate since some patients may linger on for
hours or days. It is also hard for the family if their love one is brain dead
because it is difficult to consider it the same as death. Physical and
psychological factors were looked at. These two factors determine a person’s
reaction to the loss and role-played in the morning process. These issues were
addressed in detail in an attempt to understand what stage of the morning
processes the person is in. The relationship of the deceased person to the
bereaved member is an important factor in determining what impact the
patient’s death will have. The loss of a child may so grieve parents that they
inadvertently ignore surviving children. Men also are easily overlooked in the
grieving process because they generally are more reluctant to express their
feelings publicly and may not receive the support they need. It was clearly
stated that just because people played similar roles did not mean they
experienced the same feelings of grief. If the circumstances of the death were
violent, it was more painful for the bereaved family members to comprehend its
reality. The same exists when details of the death were unknown. Family
networks, church affiliations and friends who can support a bereaved person
during the mourning process help in facilitating the recovery process.
Frequently the critical care nurse is placed in a position of asking the
bereaved family to consider donating organs from the loved one they have just
lost or are soon expected to lose. All factors involved in the grieving process
must be considered and nursing staff or organ donor support staffs have to be
very sensitive to the needs of the bereaved person. The nurse has to assist the
bereaved person through as much of the grieving process as possible. The
feelings of the bereaved person by the nurse through sensitive, uncondemning
acknowledgement. It was felt by the author that a nurse who has become familiar
to the family and has shared in its tragedy may be the person who can most
sensitively suggest organ donation at the critical moment. The family needs to
have an opportunity to say their good-bys. Reflecting on this reading, today’s
nurses have a big responsibility in trying to decide the “right” time to ask
the family for the organ donation. Timing is everything in this situation. I
gained a better understanding of what these nurses go through and how difficult
it must be for them. On the other hand, I know there must be a wonderful feeling
when they are able to obtain an organ and save a life. I’ve never considered
all the factors mentioned in this article about death and grieving. I know that
it is difficult to consider the possibility of donating one’s own organs or
those of a loved one, especially children. This issue is more often addressed
after a tragedy strikes. This article has had a great impact on me. After
reviewing the factors involving the grieving process in detail, it was clearly
stated that the possibility of organ donation should be addressed more calmly
and objectively before an actual tragedy strikes. Having prepared for such a
possibility can make it more bearable for the family and the nursing staff.

Braynman, K.L., Vianello, A., Morel, P., Payne, W.D., Sutherland, D.E.
(1996). The organ donor. Critical Care Clinics,6(4), 821-839
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