Essay, Research Paper: Advertisement Offers Analysis


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Through much research I have found 3 advertisements for popular companies that
range from well done to tasteless. Introduced first will be an ad that is done
well and with taste. Then, an advertisement that seems to be done poorly and has
a message that could be misunderstood by some people. Finally, a totally
tasteless ad that has no right to be seen by anyone with manners. This first ad
is from the Absolut Vodka company, although the product could be controversial,
the actual content is simple and would not create an uproar. Absolut has a great
ad compaign that uses familiar objects, sport teams, and places to push their
products. It also appears that this advertisement it targeted at a more mature
person and not a child or minor. The second article is by Nissan and it showing
it’s new Sport Utility Vehicle. Although the billboard could be found
humorous, it also carries a message that dangerous driving is all right. It
seems to say, go ahead, flip it over, some one else will pay for your mistake.
This billboard has poor composition and could have been designed better, but is
not the worst article found. This last advertisement is for Southern Comfort
Liquor. This article definitely violates the ethics of advertising. The message
of the billboard is that, if u get a girl hammered with our alcohol, she’ll
give it up to you. This billboard should not be allowed to be seen. Advertising
that indorses what could be considered date rape should be taken off the market.
In conclusion, it’s not always what the article is advertising that dictates
the content. This paper shows 2 different articles for alcoholic products that
are on different side of the spectrum. While one is done tastefully, the other
shows no regard for a female. Advertising is seen by many impressionable people,
we must be careful what is going out there.
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