Essay, Research Paper: Kurt Cobain's Death


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“It’s not fun anymore. I just can’t take it anymore.” The words that
would later haunt the world are clumsily scribbled onto a pad of paper. The room
grows silent and cold…then BANG! On April 7, 1994, the music world died with a
single gunshot wound to the head. Kurdt Donald Cobain took away a music legend
and left a void in the music world. When Cobain ended his life on that fateful
day, he not only stunned fans, but also destroyed one of the most talented bands
of all-time. The sad sense of loss that Seattle began to feel quickly spread to
the rest of the country and to the world as well. The youth of an entire
sub-culture was devastated. A few days after his death, 7,000 mourners gathered
in Seattle to remember the musician. As Cobain’s widow, Courtney Love read her
husband’s agonizing suicide note, people lit candles, and threw burning toilet
paper for the iconoclastic anti-hero. Although today some of the pain may have
faded, the loss of Cobain and his band Nirvana is still being felt by teens
across the country. “Good men die young. Kurt was a great songwriter, musician
and person. He has joined the ranks of great artists such as Jimi Hendrix, and
the Nirvana legacy will be with us forever,” expressed Ryan Runkewich, a
Nirvana fan. The sediment is not only expressed by fans, but also by such famous
musicians as R.E.M., Neil Young and the Cranberries who have all dedicated songs
in Cobain’s memory. Before the boom of the phenomenon known as Nirvana, the
Seattle music scene was most famous for its hard-rock blues. In 1988, the
Aberdeen native along with Krist Anthony Novoselic and Dave Grohl began with a
demo song entitled “Big Cheese” and captivated the hearts and souls of a
forgotten generation that had yet to make a name for itself. Nirvana had the
guts to express the emotions that young people were too afraid to display. The
band and its ringleader Cobain truly became the vocal point for struggling
teens. As the sixth anniversary of Cobain’s death quickly approaches, fans are
afforded another painful year to reflect on his music, life and the very moment
when everything ended. In fact, most fans can even remember what they were doing
when they heard the news that Cobain was dead. “When I heard, I was playing a
video game and listening to the radio. I got real upset and my friends and I sat
around all day listening to his music. I personally pay tribute to his on that
dreadful day every year,” said James V., a Cobain fan. From the dawning of the
90s grunge music era, Nirvana has been the undisputed leader of alternative
music. The music was not only a part of life, but rather it was life for
millions of teens searching for an outlet to express themselves. For that
reason, the memory of Cobain and the Nirvana sound will never die in the hearts
of fans. Inner-peace what Cobain wanted for everyone: “If you die you’re
completely happy and your soul lives on…I’m not afraid of dying. Total peace
after death becoming the someone else is the best hope I’ve got.”—Kurdt
Donald Cobain. If you have elements that I can add to this article let me
know…I have lots of information and I have done a lot of research!!
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