Essay, Research Paper: Les Miserables


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Les Miserables known in English as “The Terrible” is a musical portrayal of
the French Revolution. It is a musical tragedy, which served as a major
powerhouse competitor for Andrew Lloyd Weber musicals in the early eighties and
nineties. When first debuting on Broadway in 1987 it traveled a long hard road
to compete with musicals of the decade. However, in time many well-known
performers were proud to associate themselves with this wonderful work of art.
The musical play begins with its lead character named Jean Valjean. Jean Valjean
was released on parole after 19 years on the chain gang. In this initial scene
the audience can almost immediately feel the tonality of the play with the
constant reference to the number 24601. 24601 were the prison number that became
Jean Valjean’s identity for 19 years. The dark and dreary ambiance set the
tone for the first song of the libretto, “Look Down. The lyrics to look down
coincide with the chain gang, overseen by brutal wanders, working in the hot
sun. It is this series of songs in Act one that take the audience through many
turns of feelings and emotions. These emotional songs are used to portray poor
men and women working in low class factories, women selling their bodies and
more importantly a class of people struggling to scrape by. The most vivid songs
used to identify the various themes of poverty and prostitution are Lovely
Ladies, A Heart Full of Love, and Master of The House. Moreover, it is a song
titled Do You Hear the People Sing? That prepares the audience for the ending of
Act one. Most if not all of Act one uses song, tonality, character, pitch and
tone to depict the various themes of the play while the story is beginning to
unravel. Throughout the second and final act the musical content within the play
acts as a story of it’s own through theme and variation. Each separate song
represents a feeling and or mood and is enhanced as it is varied throughout the
act. Like the first act, the songs are used to portray poverty, suffering,
hardships, and even death. However, unlike the first act, there is also a theme
of love and happiness. Closure is brought about with a sense of warmth and this
is often heard through the display of the tempo. When the times were tough the
tempo decreased and was often slow and morbid like. When happy times were
brought about, the tempo increased to a song and dance farewell. The final song
of the musical really brings the whole story together. The loose ends are tied
and the audience’s hearts are left captivated and moved. This musical would
not be complete without the dramatization of the performers. It is each
individual performer that brings song into the story. Each of the eight main
characters represents, in a sense, their own theme and motivation towards the
story. Without these characters the notes and chords wouldn’t bring about any
music. It would merely be song without feelings or words. Each of them sings to
sing to us in their own different way and exemplify their role within the story.
Together these two important ideas make this play an excellent musical. My
personal reaction to this musical was surprisingly a good one. When my
girlfriend first told me that we were going to see a Broadway play I wasn’t
initially excited. However, after just about 30 minutes into the opening act I
was beginning to recognize and comprehend musical terms that we had discussed in
class. I then decided to be open minded and take notice of not only musical but
also theatrical happenings of the story. It was amazing to be able to hear the
tempo change, the timbre (tone color), and also identify the theme and
variation. It was often difficult to understand the opera like approach to the
play but all you needed was a good ear and total concentration. I found that I
actually enjoyed Les Miserables and I wouldn’t be too quick to say no to
another one.
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