Essay, Research Paper: Tracy Chapman


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In Nineteen Eighty-eight Tracy Chapman released her self titled debut album that
retraced echoes of racial difference throughout time. When released, Tracy's
first hit album sold vastly worldwide affecting millions of people's firm
beliefs on racism is just one year. In Nineteen Eighty-nine she sold ten million
albums and won herself three Grammy's. Tracy had herself off to a great start,
but the best had just begun for this black vocalist. On her self titled album,
she had several hits of which one led to some diligent listeners forever
touched. Tracy was one of the first African American vocalists to show
expression and feelings on a controversial level about race and power in a
turmoiled country suffering from the aftershocks of segregation among blacks and
whites. One song, Fast Car, on her debut album led to the embarkment of who
Tracy Chapman the singer was, is and quite possibly who she may become. This
song, Fast Car is one of her most sensitive songs to gloat my ears. Hearing her
sing and express herself on such an inner personal level emphasizes Tracy's
strength and determination. The beat sets a rhythm that you will hum for days.
In the song Fast Car, Tracy literally relates her life to this fast car, hence
the title. Many people don't associate the title of the song and the
interpretation while listening to the song. In my interpretation the song is the
story of Tracy's life and the travesties that she overcomes. The song is a
progression over several years in her life. Fast Car takes us through three
stages in her life. There is no repetitive chorus in this song either which I
find rather interesting because her chorus is the progression of her life. Tracy
begins her award winning inspirational song and the first stage in her life by
singing: "You got a Fast Car; I want a ticket to anywhere; Maybe we can
make a deal: Maybe together we can get somewhere". This beginning chorus
states literally that Tracy wants to leave her life and she will leave it with
anyone who is willing to go with her. It could very well be one of the saddest
lines in the song, showing a deep and unsung depression. This line personally I
feel relates to many peoples lives, how they want to escape the one thing they
know in hopes of better. Imagine how many people can relate with Tracy in those
few phrases. The next verse in the song elaborates Tracy's optimism towards her
past and her future. She sings with eloquence: "Anyplace is better; Started
from zero got nothing to lose; Maybe we'll make something; But me myself I have
nothing to prove". Tracy sings about hating her life, and how she would
like to state it over. I believe she's stating how she has never known any
better but she holds hope for the future. She doesn't think it will take much to
change her repetitive life. Tracy's second chorus begins with: "You got a
fast car and I got a plant o get us out of here; Been working down at the
convenience store; Managed to save just a little bit of money; We don't have to
drive that far, just cross the border and into the city. You and I can both get
jobs and finally see what it means to be living". In this verse I believe
she says that she is making the best of her situation. Maybe that means living
life as it has always been. Although Tracy lives with he agonizing patience of
her better tomorrow. Everyone has their dreams and hopes. Tracy may not be as
materialistic as others but she is more in touch with her personal side which
gives the song great meaning. Tracy expands on her drama in the third chorus but
only by elaborating more on her previous verse. In this verse, Tracy brings up a
fairly painful event in her life. This verse also decodes a lot of the reason
behind her actions and emotions Tracy has dealt with. She begins: "You see
my old man's got a problem. He lives with the bottle and that's the way it is.
He say his body too old for working, I say it's too young to look like this. My
mama went off and left him; She wanted more from life than he could give: I said
somebody's got to take care of him; So I quit school and that's what I
did." She has indicated that her Dad has a raging alcohol problem, but he
lives in denial. Tracy got wrapped up and forced to take care of her Dad and his
problems. She gave up so much of her future for the love of her dad. Also
implied in this verse is that her parents are divorced. She never mentions her
family life again, and leaves the listeners wondering whatever happened to her
dad and her mom and their influence. She voids out more of the obvious later on
in the song. The neglectfulness would be quite relevant to the depths of Tracy's
thoughts. Having to raise herself then her dad voiced many sensitive and
sorrowful lyrics. Tracy now begins the second stage in her song progression.
Tracy and her "significant other" need to escape this new life they
live together. She sings: "You got a fast car; But is it fast enough so we
can fly away? We gotta make a decision; We leave tonight or live and die this
way?" Take notice how she has now changed her chorus into plural form from
"You gotta fast car" to "We gotta fast car". Tracy in the
next verse gets what she had hoped for. She was now leaving her sad life, and
driving her " Fast Car" out with all her hopes and dreams within
sight. She uses such descriptions in this verse to paint a very vivid image
relating her dreams to the current reality. Tracy expresses feelings of
security, safety and accomplishment in her life. She sings: "I remember we
were driving, driving in your car' The speed so fast I felt like I was drunk;
City lights stay out before us; And your arm felt nice wrapped around my
shoulder; And I had a feeling that I belonged; And I had a feeling I would be
someone, be someone, be someone". In the fourth verse it is also the third
and final stage. Tracy sings: "You got a fast car, and we for cruising ro
entertain ourselves; You still ain't got a job; And I work in the market place
as a checkout girl; I know things will get better; You'll find work and I'll get
promoted; We ‘ll move out of the shelter, Buy a big house and live in the
Suburbs". She sings about how she has begun her new life and how she is
trying to make it once again, but always holding her won for better. In this
verse Tracy's significant other begins to neglect her, but she feels confident
he will turn around soon. She believes the two of them will move themselves up
the ladders to a better life still. In the next verse Tracy's conveys how her
life hasn't improved much because her "boyfriend" ignores her and he
mistreats the apparent children I was led to believe they have. He has turned
into what she was escaping from her younger life, ( her Dad). He also now became
dependent on alcohol, and she turned on him to make out the decision which is
more important himself or his family? Tracy sings : "You got a fast car;
And I got a job that pays all our bills; You stay out drinking late at the bar;
See more of your friends than you do your own kids; I always hoped for better;
Thought maybe you and me would find it; I got no plans I ain't going nowhere; So
take your fast car and keep on driving". Now escaping her better life, the
fifth and final chorus verse I finds truly unique when she turns her "fast
car" into this fast car that he is driving out of her life by neglection
and alcohol. She sings: "You got a fast car; But is it fast enough so we
can fly way? You gotta make a decision; Leave tonight or live and die this
way". She sings how he better leave quickly or he will be letting himself
die with himself as his only friend and companion. This song is a very strong
display of the, depression, hope, faith, and overcoming in Tracy's life. She
wanted to run away from the burdens in her life. When she finally gets enough
courage to leave her burdens such as, her father's life, low money and little
support, she takes the first escape that comes along and ends up on another
emotional roller coaster. She soon finds the strings to her memories about her
dad inside her "boyfriend". Tracy surely doesn't want her children to
suffer through anything that Tracy did, so that explains why Tracy had such a
strong will in this song. This song Fast Car is commonly known but many people
fail to realize why Tracy sang this song. She makes listeners feel the true
value of what they have, and how to make the best of what you have. That would
lead to why Tracy's is definitely one of a kind, how she places such a reality
on a very inner personal experience.
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