Essay, Research Paper: Inanna


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Throughout the story of Inanna, readers witness her transformation from a young
lady to a beloved goddess and the frustrations and obstacles that are associated
with these transformations. This transformation can be associated with her
functions and roles as a woman, which relates with the theory of the Great
Goddess. The relationship between Inanna and the Great Goddess follows the
ideals of an agrarian society, whereupon a woman is looked to bring fertilility,
life, death, and re-birth. Inanna’s character is developed with the uses of
symbolisms and repetition to show the power of this myth, although the real
power lies within her specific transformations. The first change the reader sees
in Inanna is in the first paragraphs of the story, which sets the tone for the
rest of the myth to unfold. Inanna begins her journey into Godhood with the
finding of the huluppu-tree. Her meticulousness in reviving the tree that was
once swept away by the waters of the Euphrates signifies her passage into
Godhood. Inanna is immediately intrigued with the rewards that she is expecting
after taking the huluppu-tree and restoring it. This is evident in the text when
she wonders, “How long will it be until I have a shining throne to sit upon?
How long will it be until I have a shining bed to lie upon?” As the reader
continues interpretating the text, he/she finds other examples of Inanna’s
struggle with her inability to receive the recognition that she deserves. Inanna
confides in the Sun God, Utu, and her brother, Gilgamesh for the recognition,
saying, “I plucked the tree from the river; I brought it to my holy garden. I
tended the tree, waiting for my shining throne and bed.” Interpreting this
text, readers notice that it was constructed to repeat, showing the importance
to Inanna for receiving the acclaims that she thought she deserved. Her level of
adolescence is a sign of youth and lack of experience that drives her with the
yearning question of when she will be idealized. Now the focus turns to the
tools that allow Inanna to age with the experience necessary to become the
Goddess that she strives to be. The reason the huluppu-tree has become the
central issue of this portion of the text, is because it is used as a transition
piece for Inanna’s growth. The significance lies beyond the presence of the
tree, but what the tree is, and why it is there. Some scholars refer to this
Sumerian text as having one of the first written descriptions of Genesis. The
authors of Inanna use the huluppu-tree as a method to indirectly refer to the
heavens. Trees are often referred to as being sturdy because they are planted
into the Earth with their roots. Here, the tree is interpreted as growing from
the ground, young, small, and inexperienced with time, reaching for the heavens,
wanting to take a seat among the other Gods and Goddesses. The huluppu-tree not
only holds the essence of life, but also the urge for Inanna to become a beloved
Goddess and when the three creatures would not leave her tree, Inanna cried out,
“I wept. How I wept!” The path for Godhood was paved for Inanna when
Gilgamesh, her brother, scared the three creatures away and created a throne and
a crown from the sacred huluppu-tree. The attitude of Inanna changes as she
encounters Enkil, the God of Wisdom and her cunning allows her to fulfill her
destiny in becoming a Goddess. Readers know how her thinking has changed as they
continue through the text, interpreting the language that is unique to this
myth. Semantics can often define a character in a story and in the story of
Inanna semantics help the reader understand the feelings that Inanna goes
through. “I, the Queen of Heaven shall visit the God of Wisdom”, this is one
of the prime examples of how Inanna has grown. The emphasis being on, “I, the
Queen of Heaven shall…” shows the newly appointed Goddess has the authority
and the willpower to do anything that she wishes. Readers further see Inanna’s
development in her psychology and as a Goddess through the encounter with Enkil.
Interpreting the following text reiterates her passage into Godhood and her
psychological maturation, “He who knows the me, the holy laws of heavens and
earth, He who knows the heart of the gods…” Later it is seen that Enki has
also accepted Inanna into Godship when he tells his sukka (servant) Isimud to,
“Treat her like an equal.” Inanna’s craftiness in taking the sacred me
from Enkil proves to the reader that she has grown and matured. As Enkil
repeatedly offers Inanna parts of the sacred me she repeatedly accepts by
saying, “I take them.” Again, repetition is evident, and in this case it
allows the reader to see the importance of the transaction that is taking place
between Inanna and Enkil. After the fourteen me were taken, they were placed on
the Boat of Heaven, given to Inanna by Enkil. This gift will later signify the
final journey Inanna will take on her way to total immortality, but she must
first escape the hangover of Enkil. We still see that Inanna is dependent on
somebody, this happens to be her servant/protector Ninshubur. At the same time
as the newly appointed Goddess and her sukkal were leaving, Enkil summoned
monsters to retrieve the fourteen me and the Boat of Heaven from the two.
Readers actually see the first commands given by Inanna during this stand off, a
sign of her newly gained power. She commands Ninshubur by saying, “Save the
Boat of Heaven with the holy me!” and Ninshubur answers her masters call five
more times. As the two enter the city of Uruk, Ninshubur suggests to Inanna to
celebrate their victory. Inanna does so by answering her sukkal’s advise by
saying, “On the day the Boat of Heaven enters the Nigulla Gate of Uruk, Let
High water sweep over the streets; … Let all the lands proclaim my noble name.
Let my people sing my praises.” This powerful piece of writing puts the stamp
onto the fact that Inanna has made her presence felt among her followers, but
with the help of her sukkal giving her sound advise. Once again repetition
demonstrates the power of this myth. The Boat of Heaven has played an important
role up to this point, but it is important to understand its true meaning.
Throughout time vessels have held the meaning for a long unpredictable journey.
Here, the vessel is the Boat of Heaven and it symbolizes Inanna’s body and the
journey that she will undergo in the next section of the text, specifically her
descent into the underworld. Why would she abandon all of her temples and
“abandon the office of holy priestess” to enter the underworld? Inanna’s
brother in-law had died and she wished to witness the funeral procession. When
confronted by Neti the gatekeeper of the underworld, Inanna demands that her
wishes be answered, “Let it be done!” When Inanna is killed by the Queen of
the Underworld, Ereshkigal, we see that her sukkal has performed the duties that
she was given by her master, even though Inanna had not returned. The dedication
of the servant committing to her master is a symbol of all of her followers
dedicated to their goddess. This is so because of Ninshubur tearing out her eyes
and dressing like a beggar shows a level of commitment that is hard to believe.
The unbelievement and Inanna’s showing of how much she controls have completed
the changes from the Inanna that the readers first met. From the huluppu-tree to
the Boat of Heaven and from the skies of heaven to the depths of the underworld,
the new goddess has arrived. Inanna has developed from a frail young lady into a
forceful goddess with the help of time and a great sukkal. The events and the
other characters that she has experienced have abled her to take her proper
place among the other gods and goddesses. Obstacles such as receiving the
fourteen me from Enkil has allowed Inanna to gain that necessary experience.
Interpreting the text further and in more detail would show the reader that
there are more symbols and semantics to study to fully appreciate the power of
this myth.
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