Essay, Research Paper: Odyssey


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The Odyssey, written by Homer, is the story of Odysseus and how he faced
misfortune in his attempts to return home after the Trojan war. From these
misfortunes he learned to be a better man and became able to regain his place in
his homeland of Ithaca. During his journeys Odysseus often makes the mistake of
staying to boast to his enemies but learns that doing so gives his opposition a
chance to seek retribution against him. After leaving Troy Odysseus attacks the
land of the Cicones. Instead of leaving after his victory, he stays to celebrate
until a force is rallied against him and he must flee with many casualties.
Afterwards Odysseus and his crew land on the island of the Cyclops. They are
attacked and some are eaten by Polyphemus. After intoxicating the great Cyclops,
Odysseus and his men blind the monster with a heated spear. The men could have
made an escape without incident but Odysseus mocked Polyphemus and shouted out
his real name, when before Odysseus had told him that his name was "Noman."
With this new information Polyphemus prays to his father Poseidon to have
Odysseus and his men punished. Having angered Poseidon, they must wander
throughout the sea slowly dying one by one. Odysseus learns that bragging can
have ill effects and uses this knowledge on the island of the Phaecians and
Ithaca when he does not openly boast of his deeds and his journeys. Odysseus
also learns to pay close attention to the instructions of the gods, or he might
have to face a terrible price. When Odysseus and his crew landed at the island
of Aeolus, they were given a parting gift that would have helped them greatly if
they had paid heed to the warnings of Aeolus. He gave Odysseus a bag full of the
bad winds that would keep them from their home of Ithaca. Odysseus and his crew
were in sight of the homeland they had waited so long to see, when a band of
rebel crewmen opened the bag creating a great gale that blew them back to Aeolus.
When Aeolus saw this he believed that Odysseus was cursed and banished him from
the island. This is not the only time Odysseus was betrayed by his men and
suffered a great price. When they landed on the island of Hyperion, bad winds
prevented them from leaving. Food soon became low; and when Odysseus fell
asleep, the crew killed the cows of Hyperion against numerous warnings. Hyperion
was infuriated to see this and had all of Odysseus' men killed in a great storm.
Odysseus learns that the gods must be respected in order for any man to succeed.
During his journey Odysseus uses what he has learned from his mistakes to return
home and kill the suitors. On the island of the Cicones, and with his encounter
with Polyphemus, Odysseus learns that bragging can bring damaging circumstances.
On Ithaca Odysseus never brags to the suitors and is able to enter his house
without the suitors knowing his real identity. He takes the punishment of
Antinous and the other suitors without saying a word and is able to observe
those who have invaded his house. Odysseus is able to see who is loyal and who
is not and take his revenge with the suitors never knowing who he was until the
final moment. Odysseus also learns to respect the gods. When he landed on Aeaea,
the island of Circe, he follows the instructions given to him by Hermes so that
he can overcome Circe and free his men. Odysseus follows the instructions that
Circe had given him very closely; entering and leaving Hades without misfortune
and using wax in the ears of his crew to pass the Sirens. Odysseus becomes a
better man through his journeys and is able to return to his homeland to restore
his name. Throughout his wanderings for home, Odysseus becomes a humbler and
more respectful man. The once boastful man learns that his bragging can bring
people against him, and is quieter than before he left for Troy. He also learns
that the immortal gods of Olympus can be merciful and bring great prosperity,
but they also punish those that disobey their wishes. Everytime Odysseus has not
been respectful he has been severely punished and his trip home delayed. Out of
this great tragedy he has become a greater man to regain his kingdom and live a
long life.
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