Essay, Research Paper: Odyssey


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The great muses are called upon by Homer to tell the great adventure of Odysseus
in his travel back to his home. Prayers are given to the Greek Gods and muses by
Homer in order to proceed this story. The Greeks life revolved around the gods
in a matter of fashion as we presently revolve around Christianity. The
depiction of the roles the gods played in the Odyssey is both presented in good
and evil. The Greeks portrayed their gods as powerful and merciful. However in
the Odyssey the gods play a role in a savior like Jesus Christ and the tormentor
like Satan. With the present role in the story of Odyssey the gods can be seen
as a key role in Odysseus life. Odysseus alone cannot have escaped the
treacherous Trojan War without the aid of the gods. However can it be reconcile
that the gods were truly the ones who controlled our lives? In Odysseus’s case
the gods played a vital role. Throughout the entire story Athena was the crutch
Odysseus and his family leaned on in the time of aid. Through the treacherous
paths Odysseus traveled it was hope of seeing Penelope and his son Telemachus
that brought him strength and wisdom. With the loves one left behind Odysseus
fearlessly face the gods and tramples over their challenges. Without the help of
Athena and her wisdom and devotion to Odysseus his challenges would be help with
no boundaries. With Athena on Odysseus side, he was able to return home without
any harms done to him or his family. With the gods in favor of Odysseus return
all he had to fight was the challenges Poseidon threw at him. With the water
being the only road back to his home this challenge was fare more difficult then
the Trojan War itself. With the guidance of Athena Odysseus was safely returned
to Ithica. Even though Athena played a key role in Odysseus life she was still
unable to protect him from the challenges he faced with Poseidon, Calypso, and
Helios. The gods can be seen as Odysseus’s sub-conscience. Athena being
Odysseus’s wisdom, Helios the jealousy hidden in our curiosity, Calypso the
temptation we face, and Poseidon the challenges in life we face everyday. These
main Gods played a key role in Odysseus’s life. Poseidon tormented blinded
Polyphemus. Poseidon would have never tormented Odysseus if only he kept his
boastful self-quiet. A lesson in life learned by Odysseus to keep him self-
humble at all times. Odysseus faced other challenges that slowed his journey
towards home seem longer. Calypso who kept Odysseus on her island for seven
years offered him the impossible. Odysseus with his wife in mind declined the
gift for a passage towards home. With temptation and challenges that blockaded
Odysseus journey home. However Odysseus and his deceased crew could of made it
home safely if it wasn’t for the curiosity and jealousy of the crew to open
the bag of wind and their evil temptation to kill and eat Helios cows. The gods
playing minor roles it was human nature that brought the crewmembers to their
doom and slowed Odysseus down from returning home. Homer portrayed human nature
with the gods and goddesses. We are our own enemy. We are the ones who lay the
path in our life and destination. However there are bumps in the word that slow
us down and break us down. With hope we resist temptation and fight evil off.
The gods in the Odyssey portrayed the good and evil in human nature. Odysseus
being the hero of the Odyssey resisted and learned valuable lessons in life on
his adventure back home.
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