Essay, Research Paper: Humor Phenomenon


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There is a popular saying, “anyone can laugh at a good joke.” If one was to
actually ask around, he’/she would find that this is quite true. This is part
of the magic of humor. Humor, as defined by The American Heritage Dictionary, is
“the quality that makes something laughable.” Laughter can be defined as
“the co-ordinated contraction of fifteen facial muscles (Koestler 29). However
that definition tells how one laughs. The American Heritage Dictionary explains
why we laugh by describing laughter as “the expression of delight or
happiness.” So therefore, it seems pretty safe to conclude that humor is used
to make someone happy. But, the phenomenon of humor is not that simple. There
are many different forms of humor used by most everyone on a daily basis. Also,
it would be foolish to image that each person uses the device of humor for the
same purpose or in the same manner. If this were true, everyone would find the
same jokes as laughable, the same movies as comical and so forth. All types of
people use humor in all walks of life, and that is the true magic of humor. The
trick is knowing what type of humor is being used given situation, and for what
reason. In this paper I plan to present and explain various types of humor
(satire, witticism, etc), giving examples when necessary, by which I will also
explain the different reasons and ways a person uses humor. Through this I
intend to show that it is undeniable fact that humor plays in important role in
the world today, and in each individual’s daily life. As mentioned before
there are various types of humor. The first that will be discussed is that of
“puns.” Puns are one of the most basic forms of humor. A pun is commonly
defined as a “play on words.” What this means is that there are two ideas
connected with a word, and both ideas are used in the same expression (Swabey
5). The expression “our spacemen are heading for the lunar bin,” is an
example of a pun (Koestler 65). The word “lunar” is being “played on.”
Lunar has the obvious connection with the term “spacemen”, as lunar is used
to describe something associated with the moon. However, lunar also sounds quite
similar to the term “loony”, meaning crazy. The expression “loony bin”
is a comical way of describing an asylum for the mentally ill, or crudely,
“crazy people.” Thus the double meaning is established, and the result
comical. Comparatively, puns are a simplistic type of humor, and are therefore
commonly used by children (Koestler 65). Another type of humor often associated
with puns is that of wit. As defined by The American Heritage Dictionary, with
is “the ability to perceive and humorously express the relationship between
seemingly incongruous [incompatible] things.” While the idea of wit is similar
to that of puns, they both require the linkage of two different ideas; wit is by
considered a much more intelligent type of humor. Wit will often make use of
puns, but for a seemingly higher, more certain purpose. Swabey, author of Comic
Laughter describes wit as “coldly intellectual, intentional, creative…”
(69). He goes on to explain how “the real home of wit is the witty exchange of
conversation” (Swabey 73). Wit could therefore be described as a social form
of humor. Wit is often described as a sport where a witty expression is thrown
out like a ball, and the other players must react with their own witty
expressions to keep tossing the “ball” back and forth (Swabey 75). The game
of wit proves how “humor has always been a favorite pastime of intelligent
people” (Reichmann 181). The next form of humor that will be discussed is that
of impersonation. Impersonation, like wit, is a form of humor that requires an
audience. Here, the impersonator is playing the role of two different people at
the same time. If the result is degrading the audience will laugh (Koestler 68).
The field of impersonation, with the aid of Walt Disney, has lately given way to
the idea of animals impersonating the traits of people. As Henri Bergson states
“…the comic does not exist outside the pale of what is strictly human…You
may laugh at an animal but only because you have detected in it some human
attitude or expression”(62). Adults can easily find humor in the cartoon and
animated movies. The notion of impersonation has also helped the development of
character types (Koestler 68). Today, one can easily ask an impersonator at a
nightclub to “do a drunk” or “do a bum”; the typical characteristics are
already established. Another form of humor closely associated with impersonation
is the timeless act of parody. Parodies are the most aggressive forms of
impersonation (Koestler 69). Parodies began with ancient Greeks who often would
attack local heroes or politicians. Today when one mentions parodies movie
directors such as Mel Brooks come to mind. His movies are “spoofs” of other
movies, attacking the parts held most dear by the original creator, and what one
would think are essential to the plot. Another very popular form of parody today
is the political cartoon. Each morning in newspapers across the world one can
find a new political cartoon attacking some recent political venture, or a
politician himself. The exaggerate features and sometimes harsh attacks are done
to serve a distinct purpose. Many people enjoy the political cartoons. However,
as Koestler states “The political cartoon, at it’s best, is a translation
into visual imagery of a witty topical comment…” (70). Therefore, it would
be correct to say that political cartoons can easily, logically, and correctly
be compared with picture books created for children who can not yet read. They
simplify the intellectual wit and translate into a language that can be
understood by a greater audience. Another type of humor, terribly cruel, is that
which is characterized as “The Misfit” or “The Outcast.” This sort of
humor will very rarely be found in the today’s society. This is where people
are made fun of because of their deformities, physically or mentally, or other
characteristics that make them “different.” In the age political
correctness, this form of humor is not tolerated. However it can still be found.
Mostly, children who were not yet taught the consequence of such actions perform
this type of humor. But, they can not be blamed, it is natural for one to shy
away from, or ridicule someone or something which is out of the ordinary and
therefore difficult to relate to (Koestler 74-75). The next two styles of humor
that will be briefly discussed are those of Displacement and Coincidence.
Displacement is simply when a person or thing is “displaced” in time or
environment. Although this is usually done to prove a serious or metaphysical
point, the results are humorous (Swabey 78). Coincidences are an early division
of humor are have been used often enough that the idea of a coincidence itself
is humorous. For example, when an event occurs in a television show, movie, or
novel and is blamed on a “strange coincidence” the audience is amused for
two different reasons. The first is whatever the event itself is, and second is
the use of the cliché “strange coincidence.” The last type of humor that
will be discussed is what is loosely termed as “nonsense humor.” Nonsense
humor is, although also found elsewhere, a popular form of children’s
literature. It consists of silly sayings, stories or ideas, but is quite
effective if it is presented as making perfect logical sense (Koestler 79).
Nonsense humor is full of hyperbole, juxtapositions, and puns. Sometimes such
nonsense humor presents valid themes, but they are hidden beneath the rhymes.
Two authors of this sort of nonsense humor come to mind, Shel Silverstein and
Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss). These two men write what seem to be nonsensical
poems and stories for children. However, each story or poem contains a lesson to
be learned in a humorous way. For example, the story On Beyond Zebra by Dr.
Seuss is about a boy who claims that the alphabet doesn’t stop a Z(ebra), but
rather goes on indefinitely. He creates letters with humorous names, and the
story, as all Dr. Seuss stories, is told in rhyme. What is clearly an absurd
notion is presented to show children the importance and limitlessness of
imagination. Nonsense humor, because of it’s hidden meanings borders closely
to wit, which is the most intellectual type of humor. That in itself is
humorous. Through the various forms of humor presented, one can easily see that
humor is used by every type of people, for many different reasons. Humor, such
as impersonations are presented to an audience to get laughs. Political cartoons
and parodies illustrate satirical comments and feelings in a way that more
people can understand. The comical devices of puns, displacement, and
coincidences are used daily in movies, television shows, and typical
conversations. Wit is a game played by intellectuals to show off, and nonsense
humor is an easy way of showing important ideas. It is also important to note
some of the reasons why people use humor. For one reason, people use humor as an
acceptable means of expressing controversial views such as in political
cartoons. Other times, people use humor as a defense mechanism. It is easier to
provide something humorous to a situation so you yourself will not be what is
considered humorous. In the case of a circus clown, or an impersonator, humor is
performed to provide a pleasing experience to the audience. Also humor is a very
useful teaching tool to people of all ages. Lastly, and maybe most importantly,
humor is a way of communication; everyone can appreciate a smile. “It is…a
truly universal phenomenon” (Reichmann 183).

BibliographyBergson, Henri. “Laughter.” New York: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1956.
Geisel, Theodore. On Beyond Zebra! New York: Random House, 1983. Koestler,
Arthur. The Act of Creation. London: The Macmillan Company, 1969. Reichmann,
James B. Philosophy of the Human Person. Chicago: Loyla Press, 1985. Swabey,
Marie Collins. Comic Laughter: A Philosophical Essay. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1961.
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