Essay, Research Paper: Justice


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The concept of justness is a subjective reality. Justice is not present in any
one person, justice appears to be present only in consensus. There is no just,
justice, only the presence of action and consequence for persons in a consensus
regarding their concept of justice. Justice is only just to those who have
conformed to their idea of justice and have helped to create it. Those who are
effected by the justice that is placed around them and do not agree with it are
being treated unfairly. For those people there is no justice. Without total
consensus defining justice there is no justice. If there is a justice without
conformity it is not just, and therefore is not manifested as justice, but as a
form of government. If we put aside religion, deities, and God centered
ideologies, we can find no true justness. Justice is a reflection of justness.
Without the existence of justness there will never be true justice. What we call
justice, should be called consensus and conformity to laws and mores. When we
move to this point, we find that we are actually discussing government. For
there will never be true justice, only our conformed moral sense of what is
acceptable and unacceptable. This once again leads us to many forms of
government. If we discuss justice in the sense of divine intervention and
religious beliefs then justice has a whole new meaning. Justice now becomes the
writings and beliefs of a conformed religion. Catholicism for example, follows
the teachings of the Ten Commandments, and the word of God that is written in
the Bible. Although the ideas and philosophical thinking in these writings have
extremely righteous and moral views they can only go as far as to teach you how
to live morally. “Do unto others as you wish others to do unto you.” Some
believe the Golden Rule is the only true justice, according to Jesus, justice
was not eye for an eye. “ Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do
good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and
persecute you.” These were some of the morals that people believed to be
justice. What if perhaps there was no God, or deities of any kind, then all of
this is boils down to morality. Even then, what defines morality? We cannot
define morality as justice for it has no clearly objective ground on which to
define it. Even as an individual we cannot find justice. If each of us were
alone in the woods, and away from all forms of conformed justice, justice would
not be present. For we must conform to the laws of nature. One may believe that
it is unjust that he/she has to collect food before winter, and therefore he/she
decides to rest instead of saving food. As a consequence, over the winter he or
she will starve, because they did not conform to the highest form of natural
government, which is nature. Nature moves according to its own laws which people
may experience as unjust.. He who searches for justice will only find millions
of forms of government, his search will be everlasting until he realizes that
the only justice he will ever know is his own subjective belief of what is
just.. Even then, who are we to define our own justice?
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