Essay, Research Paper: Socratic Worldview


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Of the philosophers I have studied, Socrates stands out to me from all the rest.
Although I would be the first to confess that I have never put forth the time
nor the effort necessary to consider myself a philosopher (at least not in the
sense that I imagine most would consider to be the credentials of a
philosopher), my philosophy about life is most closely aligned with what I
understand Socrates philosophical beliefs to be. Although there are some
distinct differences in what I believe to be the ultimate meaning behind life,
which I will later address, I believe his thoughts on how one should live their
life to be the wisest of any philosopher we have studied. First, let me relate
what I understand Socrates philosophy to be. Socrates believed that we all have
a soul. He believed that we are to live our life by principles, and that these
principles should be what is considered to be good. He was convinced that there
were moral absolutes, a right and a wrong, his reason being that if there
weren’t everything would just be relative. This seems most logical. Also,
according to Socrates, in order to find which standards we should live by we
should test these standards in real life situation to see if they are right or
wrong. From what I understand, we are to live our lives according to rights and
wrongs - in our dealings with others, and our private life as well. And, this is
all in order to be living according to the dictates of the soul, if you will,
and not by the desires of the flesh. One of the most interesting ideas Socrates
had, I believe, were his thoughts regarding the “true philosopher.” He said
that the true philosopher is often misunderstood by other men, that they do not
understand that his whole life is the pursuit of death. And, that when death
finally comes he does not meet it with dread, but with the acceptance of
understanding that the soul is finally to be unencumbered of the body and all
its evils. The soul will finally meet truth away from the constraints of an
imperfect body. He believed that the soul is immortal and imperishable. He
believed that “good souls” departed to an invisible world where happiness is
secured and they are free of human folly and error, and of all the problems that
normally plague us. Evil souls, on the other hand will wander about in misery
paying their penalty until they are reincarnated to a form fitting of their
former evil ways in life. And, although I do not believe this view, I appreciate
it for the thought and logic behind it. I am intrigued with the way Socrates can
look beyond the physical, and make reality of the spiritual aspect while holding
no allegiance to any certain god or gods. I can agree with his philosophy
regarding living our lives in an effort to be good, and cherishing the soul
above the body, and placing all emphasis on the soul and not on the body.
Although we cannot scientifically prove that the soul is imperishable - or
beyond that, if we even have a soul, but we do know that the body is only
temporary, so it seems logical to place importance on something beyond the
physical. I think Socrates reasoning behind the evidence of our souls, is
brilliant even if incorrect - which I am in no means implying. His idea of
anamnesis/recollect intrigues me. Where would we have any idea of perfection, if
not from our souls? Certainly anything from the body or physical has yet to show
us any form of perfection. For the sake of relating to the reader why I think
Socrates philosophy could contribute much to human well being, let me take a
moment to relay my thoughts or “philosophy” on life. I agree with Socrates
on the stand he makes that nothing good or perfect can ever come from the
physical. Pleasing the desires of the flesh always results in only temporary
happiness, and even then it is questionable if it is a real happiness, or just a
temporary source of satisfaction. Socrates said that the soul is where we can
know perfection, and that the important things of this life lie in living for
the development or realization of the soul, and that through proper development
of the mind in its pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness that the goal and
purpose of human life can be achieved. I personally believe that yes, we all
possess a soul, and that yes it is good to live for the eternal and not the
present. However, I believe that personally we can have not have a good soul, on
our own. Human nature alone, I believe would support this. We are not
essentially good creatures as can be supported by the fact that if we were, we
would not be plagued with hate, dissension, and strife in our world. I would go
on to say then that we must find apart from ourselves a righteousness that can
heal our souls, and bring them into the light, because we are imperfect and
incomplete of our own to ever fully realize truth, beauty, and goodness. I
realize that philosophy deals with reason, and that perhaps authority should not
be used, but I hold to the truths found in 1 Peter 2:24 which reads “He
himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and
live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” So you see, in
and of ourselves we are sinful creatures - soul included, but in “He,”
meaning Jesus Christ, we have been made complete. Socrates view of how life
should be lived, except for my reliance on a personal savior for salvation, lies
very closely beside my beliefs in the area of what should be made of importance
in our lives. Matthew 6:25 reads “Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about
your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.
Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than
clothes?” This is the philosophy of Socrates, that why worry with these
things? What will they matter when you die? Is it not more important to focus
instead on lasting things and things that will have an eternal reward, and bring
true happiness in this lifetime. I believe Socrates would probably agree with
Jesus Christ, although probably in different terms, when he said in Matthew
6:19-21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and
rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves
in treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do
not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be
also.” So you see, it is because Socrates philosophy lie so very close to the
beliefs of my faith, that I believe his philosophy could be a balm to the worlds
problems. Too many of us, myself not excluded, put so much importance on things
that don’t account for much at all. What a person wears, what a person drives,
or how a person looks is placed far above things such as honesty, integrity,
love, and other virtues. We are society I believe to have been so blessed and
made so rich that we have forgotten the joy that can be found in hard work,
loving someone, and the simple pleasures in life. I wonder sometimes if many
people could be happy if they were alone. The physical wouldn’t matter much
then, at least beyond what is needed for a comfortable existence. All they would
be left with is self, and whatever they have in their soul to be happy or sad
about. If society were to try to readjust itself to Socrates way of life, it
would be such a huge reform. But it would be, I think, a very comfortable
reform; it would be like hearing an old favorite song, or like remembering
something we know we should have never forgotten. Such a reform wouldn’t be
just like a decision to suddenly “live in the clouds,” we would just learn
and finally realize what we have been missing. I don’t ever expect to see such
a change in society, because it is such a personal thing, it is an entirely
different way of seeing things, and would warrant entirely different behavior.
It isn’t something that a government could mandate, it isn’t something that
can be done so to speak, its more of a lifestyle change; it can’t be faked. I
believe that Socrate’s philosophy could be the solution to a lot of the worlds
problems. Things such as racism, jealousy, and greed, and materialism all appear
so trite when you look at it in regards to the soul, and humanity could learn to
be at peace with itself. Socrates, stating that he was not greedy for life, was
willing to die for what he believed to be the truth. Socrates said he spent his
whole life getting ready for death, let us all hope we have found the truths
that will leave us at peace when we are to die.
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