Essay, Research Paper: Violence Philosophy


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Violence in the basis upon which we live. Wherever we go there is some form or
act of violence. Most people have lost the concept of right and wrong. The line
that once stood between them is now blurred. People find that they do no harm
when they commit an act that’s wrong. Violence is seen in many forms today
that there was ever before. Media has a large part in broadcasting violence.
Violence is due to some of these issues such as easy access to weapons, the
people who commit crimes have low self-worth and self esteem and religion has
become a lesser and lesser part of society. In the United States they have the
Second Amendment which is the right to bear arms. This means anyone in the
United States can have a gun. In the States it is said that they have enough
guns to arm all the adults and half of the children. Then they wonder why their
children go out and shoot people at their school. If they were such a gun happy
country they would not have one of the highest death rates (by gun wounds) in
the world. Since the access to many forms of weapons is gained to easily it is
hard to regulate who has weapons and who doesn’t. Many people who do own
weapons get injured or even die from their very own weapons. The Internet also
makes it easily capable to make weapons such as bombs. Although the Internet can
not be controlled the access to information on any subject is great. In America
they have the easiest access to weapons. Most of the kids who had been found
guilty of shooting their peers at school had very low self-esteem and
self-worth. Most of these kids could have been helped in one way or another.
Teachers, parents, and friends of these people could have seen the warning
signs. When children mope around and think nothing of themselves there is
something wrong. A lot of tragedies could have been averted . If a lot more
influence was put on thinking higher and better of yourself many of these
children would be alive or free. Also, many of these children had been taunted
or teased. If we could raise awareness on this many children would be free of
depression. Most of all depression is the main cause for self-worth and
self-esteem. If these kids had not been taunted they would have not sought
revenge. Now a days in a catholic school when asked most kids they said they did
not go to church at all. If religion was a lot more reinforced would there be so
much violence? People find other types of religion much more attractive. Such as
cults and gangs. They find they belong more and the benefits are greater. They
have false hopes in false gods. Also the lack of a solid family life results in
a poor knowledge of individuality; who they are and where they belong. In
conclusion the awareness for violence needs to be looked at. How many school
shootings, deaths, and other teen violence acts does it take before we realize
what has gone wrong. We shouldn’t have to sit there and see out friends die
because of these savage acts caused by a minor dispute. Everyone needs to listen
up and learn. We need to avoid the useless acts of violence. It’s easier said
than done but once we crack down on violence there will be a lasting difference.
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