Essay, Research Paper: Poetry In Humans


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I plan to play a lot of basketball this summer. We will probably end up going to
nationals in Orlando, which would be a lot of fun. I will lift a lot of weights
to get stronger also. Other than playing basketball, I will be going to Oregon
and visiting friends and family. I should spend about 3 weeks there. I will
obviously work on my tan. I plan to work on learning the bass guitar. That
should be a lot of fun, because I have a lot of musical talent that I haven’t
had the time to use. I think that peer-pressure for me right now isn’t bad at
all. I am not being pushed into drugs heavily, or anything else that is illegal.
The pressure to perform well in basketball is high right now. I am not liking
that, I feel that I will probably take a break from playing ball relatively
soon. Because of my peer-pressure in basketball, I have not had much time to do
school work. It get frustrating when your teachers get mad at you for not doing
your work, when it really isn’t your fault. I think I have put lots of work
into my school year. I will stay up all night sometimes to do projects, like I
am doing right now. Considering I have basketball, school, chores, weights, and
friends to deal with, I think that I am doing alright. Some teachers just are
never satisfied though. I am excelling well in all of those categories. Next
year I will do a lot better in school though. I need to come out of high school
with about a 3.4 GPA. I don’t necessarily have a dream car. There are many
cars that interest me, but none that out-weight the rest. I am sufficient at
time management skills. I definitely could improve in that area, but for all the
things that I have to do in one day, I think that I do a plenty good job. As I
said 2 paragraphs ago, I will be spending more time on school next year, which
means that something will have to give a little. I believe that something will
be basketball. I don’t think there should be but one rule in the dress code. I
think that the only rule should be that you can’t come to school naked.
Telling kids what they can and cannot wear because it is ‘revealing’ is
stupid. The reason that the code is even put there, is because of all the horny
guys in this school of ours. So the stupid principal forces a dress code on the
student population, which is mainly put in for the girls. If men are so big on
respecting girls, then why do they dictate what the girl can and cannot wear. I
would like to see change in this rule soon. I think that having a pager or cell
phone is perfectly fine. As long as the pager or phone isn’t on in class, it
should be fine to have on campus. There is no danger. The paranoid geezers of
this school are worried about drug deals if you have either of these. Well that
is none of their business of who does drugs and who doesn’t. Leave it to the
cops to take care of things like that. I think that it is just a big power
struggle, and the adults don’t want to compromise because they think that we
are ‘lower’ than them. I think that this is a form of prejudice and it
should be stopped. I don’t think there should be a ‘legal’ age for when
you can get a job. If the person has the skills required, then they should be
able to get the job. Telling a person when they can begin earning money in my
opinion is wrong. I think it violates some kind of law. Considering all of the
geezer adults in the country are all anal about law and stuff, they should pay
attention to this one more carefully. Schools should definitely have more
classes that students are interested in. Teens wont pay attention in class if it
isn’t interesting to hear. I think that if they just made the curriculum more
interesting, then there would be better grades. If they had a whole new class
that students wanted to take, then that would be even better, because there
would be student activity in the class. Again it relates back to the big power
struggle of adults wanting to be the “Billy badass” of the school. No.
Schools should hold a few a year, and have job opportunities at them as well.
I.E. a company comes and tells you about themselves, and then offers jobs to
students who are interested. There should also be the kind of companies that you
can only work for if you have a higher education. A mixture of both would be
good for the school and the community. No. I think that America is definitely
the “world police” and we should be able to put boundaries between us and
other countries, if we are going to protect everyone. This might backfire on
America though, because it will anger the other countries, and they will come
against us and take us out. People definitely rely on machines too much. If they
didn’t then there would be less overweight people. I think that machines will
eventually run the world. We will make artificial intelligence, and then it will
backfire, just like everything else that we make does. I think that humans
should just plant forests, and get rid of cities, and go live in tribes. We have
done it before and we can do it again. It will help global warming, and the
population will go down… which is good. I don’t think that people were meant
to live in such large quantities. I think that there shouldn’t be a world. If
I could invent a bomb that could destroy the earth, I would invent it, and use
it. It would put an end to all of this misery. If there is a heaven, good, we
are all happy there. If there isn’t a heaven, and we just ‘die’ then we
wont know that we are dead. Either way, it is a win, win situation. Memphis
definitely needs more tourist attractions. Lots of people come here every year
to go on vacation. We need more things for them to do, so that Memphis can have
another large source of income. I think that Memphis is too dependant on one
source of income, and it will hurt us in the long run.
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