Essay, Research Paper: Senior Night


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We were at Wild Turkey Stadium, it was Senior Night. The Eagles were ready to
play, and fight with all their might. The night was chilly, there was tension in
the air. The Saints were rather nervous, as they stepped into our lair. The
crowd joins the team on the field, as Leigh yells “Victory Line!” Everyone
is anxious, it is almost game time. There wasn’t any doubt, in the minds of
the team. Corey announced in the fieldhouse, he had had another dream. The
Eagles won the coin toss, we decided to receive. The Saints kicked the football,
Clint caught it with ease. He ran without stopping, focused on the zone. Justin
blocked the powerful Saints, all on his own. The Eagles make a touchdown, and
the kick is good. The fans all celebrate, just as they should. As halftime
nears, the Saints are putting up a fight. They scored a touchdown, finally doing
something right. Halftime is finally here, our Eagles take a break. The
dance-team comes on the field, Lauren is dancing great. As the third quarter
begins, Mandy starts a cheer. The cheerleaders are yelling loud for all the fans
to hear. The third quarter is going good, when Brandon receives a pass. Now
making a touchdown, doesn’t seem that hard of a task. As the end neared, the
Eagles are on top. But one good hit, would cause the ball to drop. The Saints
take over, at our first and ten. But Bryan gives their quarterback, a devilish
grin. He reads the play, and sacks their quarterback. The rest of the Eagles,
now make their attack. The ball is loose, and falls to the ground. But, there
are no Eagle defenders around Out of nowhere Jeffery dives, to recover the
fumble. Pope jumps up and down, he is ready to rumble. As the final play, of the
game begins. The Eagles knew, they needed a field goal to win. Corey knew it was
his turn to shine tonight. So he kicked that ball, with all his might. Everyone
went crazy, the players all went wild. But the seniors all were sad, for just a
little while. They looked up at the stands, their eyes filled with tears.
Recalling all the memories, from the past few years. They walked off the field,
holding their heads up high. “Goodbye Wild Turkey Stadium,” they all said
with a sigh. ***Senior Night is a night in which the Senior Varisty Football
Players and Cheerleaders are honored. It is usually held at the last home
football game of the season. The names are the names of the senior players and
cheerleaders. The game is between the Eagles of Sumter Academy and the Saints of
Patrician Academy (both private schools in Alabama).
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