Essay, Research Paper: Iraq`s Problems


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The topic I choose was Iraq and its past and still ongoing problems with the
United Nations. The reason I choose this topic as oppose to another topic is war
and the United Nations has always fascinated me. With Saddam Hussein still being
stubborn with UN weapons inspectors it was incredibly easy to obtain information
regarding this topic. The Los Angles Times; California; Feb 12 2000; The newest
article I attained was from the February 12 edition of the Los Angles Times. It
was entitled “Compromise Broached on issue of Arms Inspectors in Iraq”. It
discussed how Iraq is still refusing to allow the UN weapons inspector into the
nation. It also talks about the UN feelings on the chance of inspectors ever
being allowed to do their job. Apparently the Vice President has no intention of
ever letting the inspectors into the country. Last Thursday he said, “ There
shall be no return of the so-called inspection teams. We reject the infiltration
by spies using such cover.” In my humble opinion it would make life in Iraq
better if the inspectors where just allowed into the country. Most importantly
sanctions the UN has placed upon Iraq would be removed. Apparently the really
don’t care about the sanctions according to their deputy foreign minister
Nizar Hamdoun who said they can live without sanctions “forever”. The UN has
a different opinion they believe they cannot. I believe they can, they have done
fine up to this point and I think they will continue to do fine. I think Iraq
has many things they don’t want the UN to know about such as chemical and
biological weapons. They are a threat and need to be dealt with accordingly. New
York Times; New York; Feb 8, 2000; Barbara Crossette The next article I choose
was from the February 8 issue of the New York Times. This article was entitled
“Iraq Suspected of Secret War Effort”. This article sort of scared me. It
was about in Britain, research and intelligence experts, also convinced that
there are more germ warfare agents left in Iraq than previously known, have
suggested that Iraq may have produced the organism that causes bubonic plague.
But no evidence has been published in support of that theory, but American
experts say, and United Nations inspectors found not trace of the plague in
Iraq. This is only because Iraq not allowing them to inspect and when the UN
inspectors where allowed in they where only allowed to inspect “certain”
areas. This statement made by the so-called American experts was bull*censored*;
they only said to comfort the American public. This expert Milton Leitenberg
from the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of
Maryland has been collecting information about Iraqi weapons sites and
activities from two Iraqi defectors. Milton is really not sure if the new thing
is a virus and not a bacterial agent but he said in an interview that Hans Blix,
the new chief inspector for Iraq might need to focus his attention on Biological
weapons. Milton and other British experts say inspector will have to be more
aggressive in demanding access in Iraq. I think so to, biological weapons are
illegal as a form of warfare since the Geneva Convention outlawed them. And the
fact that there are not allowed to be used as a form of warfare should be reason
enough to be more aggressive not to mention the fact that these weapons of mass
destruction will be if not are already in the hands of a mad man! Also according
to this article the eradication of biological weapons in Iraq may be as
important or more important to the people of Iraq as to the outside world.
Experts working with the United Nations Special Commission, the first
disarmament task force created for Iraq after the Gulf War said some of the
bacterial and viral agents Iraq was producing then had little application for
war. Evidently a fungal agent called aflatoxin can lead to liver cancer, and
rotavirus, which causes diarrhea in children and the elderly. This is just
another reason for the inspectors to be more insistent in their attempt to gain
entry into Iraq, their military compounds, and laboratories. World History
Volume II; William J. Duiker & Jackson J. Spielvogel Pages 1136-1137 Duiker
provided some insight on the history of this conflict. According to Duiker
“Saddam Hussein, assumed power in Baghdad in 1979, then accused Iran of
violating the territorial agreement and launched an attack on his neighbor.”
(1136) It seems Saddam has been a problem from the beginning and should have
been taken care of before he became a real threat like he is now. Duiker also
says during the war between Iraq and Iran poison gas was used on civilians and
also defenseless children were used in the minefields. Then in August 1990
Hussein’s military forces went into the small country of Kuwait and claimed
that they were stealing oil from Iraqi land. This is when the United Nations
decided to get involved, after all not only was this small defenseless country
under attack but our nations oil supply was endangered. Really in my opinion
this is the main reason we got involved not for the moral reasons but the
financial reasons. From here the book taught me no new information. We restored
peace to Kuwait and destroyed much of Saddam’s forces. The only problem is we
did not destroy enough of his forces because they are better equipped than they
ever were. I have herd that Saddam if he did posses such chemical weapons that
the article spoke of he does not have the launch capability, meaning he does not
posses sufficient I.C.B.M.s (Inter- Continental Ballistic Missiles) but how long
before he does posses such devices. Only time will tell but for now it is high
time we tell Saddam and the Iraqi government to let us in or else threaten
another military strike maybe even nuclear attack. Annotated Bibliography The
topic I choose was Iraq and its past and still ongoing problems with the United
Nations. The reason I choose this topic as oppose to another topic is war and
the United Nations has always fascinated me. With Saddam Hussein still being
stubborn with UN weapons inspectors it was incredibly easy to obtain information
regarding this topic. The Los Angles Times; California; Feb 12 2000; The newest
article I attained was from the February 12 edition of the Los Angles Times. It
was entitled “Compromise Broached on issue of Arms Inspectors in Iraq”. It
discussed how Iraq is still refusing to allow the UN weapons inspector into the
nation. It also talks about the UN feelings on the chance of inspectors ever
being allowed to do their job. Apparently the Vice President has no intention of
ever letting the inspectors into the country. Last Thursday he said, “ There
shall be no return of the so-called inspection teams. We reject the infiltration
by spies using such cover.” In my humble opinion it would make life in Iraq
better if the inspectors where just allowed into the country. Most importantly
sanctions the UN has placed upon Iraq would be removed. Apparently the really
don’t care about the sanctions according to their deputy foreign minister
Nizar Hamdoun who said they can live without sanctions “forever”. The UN has
a different opinion they believe they cannot. I believe they can, they have done
fine up to this point and I think they will continue to do fine. I think Iraq
has many things they don’t want the UN to know about such as chemical and
biological weapons. They are a threat and need to be dealt with accordingly. New
York Times; New York; Feb 8, 2000; Barbara Crossette The next article I choose
was from the February 8 issue of the New York Times. This article was entitled
“Iraq Suspected of Secret War Effort”. This article sort of scared me. It
was about in Britain, research and intelligence experts, also convinced that
there are more germ warfare agents left in Iraq than previously known, have
suggested that Iraq may have produced the organism that causes bubonic plague.
But no evidence has been published in support of that theory, but American
experts say, and United Nations inspectors found not trace of the plague in
Iraq. This is only because Iraq not allowing them to inspect and when the UN
inspectors where allowed in they where only allowed to inspect “certain”
areas. This statement made by the so-called American experts was bull*censored*;
they only said to comfort the American public. This expert Milton Leitenberg
from the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of
Maryland has been collecting information about Iraqi weapons sites and
activities from two Iraqi defectors. Milton is really not sure if the new thing
is a virus and not a bacterial agent but he said in an interview that Hans Blix,
the new chief inspector for Iraq might need to focus his attention on Biological
weapons. Milton and other British experts say inspector will have to be more
aggressive in demanding access in Iraq. I think so to, biological weapons are
illegal as a form of warfare since the Geneva Convention outlawed them. And the
fact that there are not allowed to be used as a form of warfare should be reason
enough to be more aggressive not to mention the fact that these weapons of mass
destruction will be if not are already in the hands of a mad man! Also according
to this article the eradication of biological weapons in Iraq may be as
important or more important to the people of Iraq as to the outside world.
Experts working with the United Nations Special Commission, the first
disarmament task force created for Iraq after the Gulf War said some of the
bacterial and viral agents Iraq was producing then had little application for
war. Evidently a fungal agent called aflatoxin can lead to liver cancer, and
rotavirus, which causes diarrhea in children and the elderly. This is just
another reason for the inspectors to be more insistent in their attempt to gain
entry into Iraq, their military compounds, and laboratories. World History
Volume II; William J. Duiker & Jackson J. Spielvogel Pages 1136-1137 Duiker
provided some insight on the history of this conflict. According to Duiker
“Saddam Hussein, assumed power in Baghdad in 1979, then accused Iran of
violating the territorial agreement and launched an attack on his neighbor.”
(1136) It seems Saddam has been a problem from the beginning and should have
been taken care of before he became a real threat like he is now. Duiker also
says during the war between Iraq and Iran poison gas was used on civilians and
also defenseless children were used in the minefields. Then in August 1990
Hussein’s military forces went into the small country of Kuwait and claimed
that they were stealing oil from Iraqi land. This is when the United Nations
decided to get involved, after all not only was this small defenseless country
under attack but our nations oil supply was endangered. Really in my opinion
this is the main reason we got involved not for the moral reasons but the
financial reasons. From here the book taught me no new information. We restored
peace to Kuwait and destroyed much of Saddam’s forces. The only problem is we
did not destroy enough of his forces because they are better equipped than they
ever were. I have herd that Saddam if he did posses such chemical weapons that
the article spoke of he does not have the launch capability, meaning he does not
posses sufficient I.C.B.M.s (Inter- Continental Ballistic Missiles) but how long
before he does posses such devices. Only time will tell but for now it is high
time we tell Saddam and the Iraqi government to let us in or else threaten
another military strike maybe even nuclear attack. Annotated Bibliography The
topic I choose was Iraq and its past and still ongoing problems with the United
Nations. The reason I choose this topic as oppose to another topic is war and
the United Nations has always fascinated me. With Saddam Hussein still being
stubborn with UN weapons inspectors it was incredibly easy to obtain information
regarding this topic. The Los Angles Times; California; Feb 12 2000; The newest
article I attained was from the February 12 edition of the Los Angles Times. It
was entitled “Compromise Broached on issue of Arms Inspectors in Iraq”. It
discussed how Iraq is still refusing to allow the UN weapons inspector into the
nation. It also talks about the UN feelings on the chance of inspectors ever
being allowed to do their job. Apparently the Vice President has no intention of
ever letting the inspectors into the country. Last Thursday he said, “ There
shall be no return of the so-called inspection teams. We reject the infiltration
by spies using such cover.” In my humble opinion it would make life in Iraq
better if the inspectors where just allowed into the country. Most importantly
sanctions the UN has placed upon Iraq would be removed. Apparently the really
don’t care about the sanctions according to their deputy foreign minister
Nizar Hamdoun who said they can live without sanctions “forever”. The UN has
a different opinion they believe they cannot. I believe they can, they have done
fine up to this point and I think they will continue to do fine. I think Iraq
has many things they don’t want the UN to know about such as chemical and
biological weapons. They are a threat and need to be dealt with accordingly. New
York Times; New York; Feb 8, 2000; Barbara Crossette The next article I choose
was from the February 8 issue of the New York Times. This article was entitled
“Iraq Suspected of Secret War Effort”. This article sort of scared me. It
was about in Britain, research and intelligence experts, also convinced that
there are more germ warfare agents left in Iraq than previously known, have
suggested that Iraq may have produced the organism that causes bubonic plague.
But no evidence has been published in support of that theory, but American
experts say, and United Nations inspectors found not trace of the plague in
Iraq. This is only because Iraq not allowing them to inspect and when the UN
inspectors where allowed in they where only allowed to inspect “certain”
areas. This statement made by the so-called American experts was bull*censored*;
they only said to comfort the American public. This expert Milton Leitenberg
from the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of
Maryland has been collecting information about Iraqi weapons sites and
activities from two Iraqi defectors. Milton is really not sure if the new thing
is a virus and not a bacterial agent but he said in an interview that Hans Blix,
the new chief inspector for Iraq might need to focus his attention on Biological
weapons. Milton and other British experts say inspector will have to be more
aggressive in demanding access in Iraq. I think so to, biological weapons are
illegal as a form of warfare since the Geneva Convention outlawed them. And the
fact that there are not allowed to be used as a form of warfare should be reason
enough to be more aggressive not to mention the fact that these weapons of mass
destruction will be if not are already in the hands of a mad man! Also according
to this article the eradication of biological weapons in Iraq may be as
important or more important to the people of Iraq as to the outside world.
Experts working with the United Nations Special Commission, the first
disarmament task force created for Iraq after the Gulf War said some of the
bacterial and viral agents Iraq was producing then had little application for
war. Evidently a fungal agent called aflatoxin can lead to liver cancer, and
rotavirus, which causes diarrhea in children and the elderly. This is just
another reason for the inspectors to be more insistent in their attempt to gain
entry into Iraq, their military compounds, and laboratories. World History
Volume II; William J. Duiker & Jackson J. Spielvogel Pages 1136-1137 Duiker
provided some insight on the history of this conflict. According to Duiker
“Saddam Hussein, assumed power in Baghdad in 1979, then accused Iran of
violating the territorial agreement and launched an attack on his neighbor.”
(1136) It seems Saddam has been a problem from the beginning and should have
been taken care of before he became a real threat like he is now. Duiker also
says during the war between Iraq and Iran poison gas was used on civilians and
also defenseless children were used in the minefields. Then in August 1990
Hussein’s military forces went into the small country of Kuwait and claimed
that they were stealing oil from Iraqi land. This is when the United Nations
decided to get involved, after all not only was this small defenseless country
under attack but our nations oil supply was endangered. Really in my opinion
this is the main reason we got involved not for the moral reasons but the
financial reasons. From here the book taught me no new information. We restored
peace to Kuwait and destroyed much of Saddam’s forces. The only problem is we
did not destroy enough of his forces because they are better equipped than they
ever were. I have herd that Saddam if he did posses such chemical weapons that
the article spoke of he does not have the launch capability, meaning he does not
posses sufficient I.C.B.M.s (Inter- Continental Ballistic Missiles) but how long
before he does posses such devices. Only time will tell but for now it is high
time we tell Saddam and the Iraqi government to let us in or else threaten
another military strike maybe even nuclear attack.
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